After reading this, I'm convinced some of you guys really have no idea how to roll a character. You have to use all your points!!!
hey Morrow post some recent picsMost of us would never roll any of these. But if I had to roll mine, I'd put all my points into CHA and search my starting city for deodorant merchant.
After reading this, I'm convinced some of you guys really have no idea how to roll a character. You have to use all your points!!!
CANADIANS (West Coast)
STR - 100
STA - 100
AGI - 100
DEX - 100
WIS - 100
INT - 100
CHA - 200
Plus 100 at fishing.
I can't hear you over the sound of your low CHA score.We're just starting you retarded wet back. This is just base racial stats, we still have class selection, stat customization, name selection, deity selection, and appearance customization.
We're just starting you retarded wet back. This is just base racial stats, we still have class selection, stat customization, name selection, deity selection, and appearance customization.
I can't hear you over the sound of your low CHA score.
Damn it. The spell was active. It needs a bigger icon.
Sir please take this with the seriousness it deserves or do not participate.
Uhh indians should have their alcohol tolerance capped at like 10.^ You forgot starts at 100 Alcohol Tolerance.
STR - 65
STA - 75
AGI - 85
DEX - 85
WIS - 80
INT - 70
CHA - 35
This isn't World of Warcraft you newb. There is no Fishing skill and no race has 100 all starting stats with 200 in another. Get with the program or gtfo. Let me do it for you:
Canadian (West Coast)
STR: 1000
STA: 900
AGI: 700
DEX: 700
WIS: 850
INT: 800
CHA: 850
Starts at 100 Foraging
Fishing (102)
Hand to Hand (318).
im the worst character starter, all but one of my chars were made by kunark, before the min/max craze started and so i got a shaman with almost all STR, a ranger with i think mostly STR and DEX and a monk with almost all STR. no idea if those were the right choices, i know it fucked me over on my shaman til i was able to compenate with better gear.After reading this, I'm convinced some of you guys really have no idea how to roll a character. You have to use all your points!!!
Seconded.This thread may be Kegs greatest contribution to humanity.