Molten Core Raider
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What's the go-to twink shit for a pally in kunark? so far i have:
hp rings/neck
Havent been able to find dark scale legs/arms yet.
Do i just fill with deepwater shit for AC? haven't played a knight in ages, figured why not.
Ear - Pearly Sarnak Bauble
Ear - Black Sapphire Electrum Earring
Helm - Deepwater Helm
Face - Sebilite Scale Mask
Neck - Imperial Wardog Collar
Finger - Platinum Fire Wedding Ring
Finger - Djarn's Amethyst Ring
Wrist - Deepwater Bracer
Wrist - Dragon Hero Bracer
Arms - Deepwater Vambraces
Hands - Gauntlets of Fiery Might
Shoulders - Chokidai Hide Pauldrons
Chest - Froglok Scale Chestplate / Fungi(grouping vs. solo)
Legs - Greaves of Ro
Feet - Deepwater Boots
Back - Hierophant's Cloak
Waist - RBG
Primary+Secondary - Polished Shai`din Naginata
Range - Bronze Statue of Bathezid
Some of those items aren't BiS droppable gear, but are ones you can reasonably acquire(I haven't seen a single Deepwater BP/Legs for sale yet, for example), and a few are personal preference(some items favored stats over AC), but that's a pretty solid list I think.
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