Probably planned on cutting the cord for awhile, and just waited for the next TLP server to come into play before leaving and letting it out.I still want to know the real reason for the internal fallout. I don't feel like I'm getting a complete picture. MAZE??
You really don't want to get involved in EQ drama. It's not healthy and will just degenerate your mind.
Bunch of people in glass houses throwing stones.
I mean on most TLPs raid gear in general feels kind of worthless because when everyone is more or less best in slot every expansion so that's not really any different. The new rules are at least different so there will be a lot of people wanting to take it for a whirl. Randomized loot could end up killing it sooner rather than later though. Not sure why they felt the need to tack that gimmick on top of there being free loot to begin with.All this drama is amusing but i think there's been this slightly unrealistic picture painted of Aradune based on it.
I've actually had a pretty good time on on the server and from what i've seen so have the vast majority of people not involved in pushing for server firsts. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I used to love that shit back on live and don't condemn it now. But, lets be realistic it's 20 year old content in the age of DZs and even a casual guild like mine will beat everything soon after anyway so many people are going to have a hard time really caring to put in the effort for stuff like clearing an expac in 1-3 days.
Maybe an unpopular opinion here. But Aradune actually has a really strong population. It's still pretty easy to start a new char and group 1-65 easily. I strongly suspect it will wind up having much more longevity then people on here seem to suspect. I plan on playing on the new server. In part because PoP is so long and it gives me something to do. Already, i've met many people who started a toon just to prep for new tlp who just decided to stay here. Yes there are a toxic minority of players. It's also true like maze said that TEB has some awful players/people. But this seems to come with being a gigantic guild more then anything else. as far as i can tell every big guild has a traction of people like this. But the influence of these toxic players is overblown and there's a good chance you can play everyday for months without really interacting with them.
Overall I think Aradune will actually wind up staying pretty well populated. It's very possible Mischief will be something of a gimmick server. basically starting a few xpacs in anything other then raid gear with be worthless on this ruleset for one. The random, mostly worthless loot, that you get from the constant rares could easily make the game just feel meaningless. Also, the raid content/itemization for classic-Kun is awful and Vt keying is literally the most aids thing i have done in an mmo ever. It's good they are doing less time in these ears. but even in SoV you have the issue where even on a normal server like Aradune there was essentially nothing at all to do at cap but log on for raids. It will be even worse on new TLP because the few non-raid loots worth getting will be far less valued.
There's some of that. But don't forget somewhere around Omens all the casters switch to some kind of tank class and everyone just boxes healers/bards.Isn't the "long haul" on TLPs mostly just merge, zerg, merge some more until you hit the end?
What's funny is all this bad blood started because Atabishi believed something from Mayze that he now realizes is potentially a lie or at least an exaggeration (not sure I'm buying the "officers later confirmed it" SS that weren't shared). Since that time, how many times have you brought Zaide up in a public forum, Atabishi? Versus the other way around? Spiraling obsession, indeed.
Either way, good drama boys. Too bad TEB isn't rerolling on Mischief.
TBH the Baja Blast thing is more of clever use of game mechanics than cheating. I mean, he HAS the money and is willing to give it, but the NPC doesn't want to accept the coins in gold and silver and just wants plat.
Also Taco Bell has some gamer bros working there sometimes and they'll gratas that Baja Blast for you more often than not, ESPECIALLY if it's the only thing you get. I had to DEMAND to pay for mine once after a 3 streak of them just giving it to me for free.
Wore, or you mean wears now?Yeah they would be like WOAH! It's Speed record world champion Atabishi! I recognise you!
Have a free Baja Blast bro! See you tomorrow!
I mean it wouldn't surprise me if the egomaniac wore a T-shirt saying don't you know who I am? but still
How do they recognise your're a gamer bro?
Just gotta get the right crew who don't hate the world and their lives.
Yeah they would be like WOAH! It's Speed record world champion Atabishi! I recognise you!
Have a free Baja Blast bro! See you tomorrow!
I mean it wouldn't surprise me if the egomaniac wore a T-shirt saying don't you know who I am? but still
How do they recognise your're a gamer bro?
Yeah, what kind of Sherlock Holmes could deduce such a thing??