Korzax Stonehammer
Blackwing Lair Raider
- 784
- 449
Atibashi said:Mischief/thornblade definitely didn't live up to the hype in terms of population relative to Aradune/Rizlona launch.
You guys are just going to summon a five paragraph response from him about channel numbers being a terrible metric.
Wrong. Elderan posted average numbers each night and Mischief is even outpacing Mangler currently, and is outpacing Aradune 2:1.
He also posted that Aradune hit its 3k cap consistently + had queues for the first few days ( think we all know those queues were a problem for more than a few days). Then due to the extreme instability they dropped the cap to 2k for a while in the first 30 days. That forced the population average down on top of people just not wanting to deal with the queues. On what planet is this a relevant comparison?
Aradune has been my first TLP but was there a TLP that didn't have high populations at launch regardless of server issues? I feel like the first couple weeks (possibly months?) are not reliably indicative of long term server populations.
It’s notIf the completed VP key is tradeable than Kunark shouldn't bleed too many people.
You cant check lists for peoples names and it be a legitimate check. Quite a few people that said hey to me on Mischief did not have the same name that they had on Aradune. Some of the people on Aradune I played with even said they wouldnt play Mischief, and they ended up saying Hey to me on Mischief.
Was more looking for a 5 page explanation on how he doesn't care, but either is acceptable
He also posted that Aradune hit its 3k cap consistently + had queues for the first few days ( think we all know those queues were a problem for more than a few days). Then due to the extreme instability they dropped the cap to 2k for a while in the first 30 days.
Elderan Can you provide a link to any dev or dreamweaver stating this random lowering of a server cap to 2k on Aradune? Also can you provide a link to a dev post or dreamweaver stating the cap was 3k?
I have stated multiple times all my numbers from all servers come from general channel counts. I do take into consideration when the universal chat service is having issues and exclude those numbers from the averages. General chat channels are not 100% accurate of the counts, but it gives a good idea of the servers numbers for comparison to other servers in the same eras.
So you concluded based on general channels that the dev's had set aradune at a 2k player cap despite their several posts that they increased it multiple times over the original 3500? Then you also concluded through general channels that despite the multiple raises over the 3500 cap and the queues on Aradune lasting for the first month and a half that some how the average population in the first 2 months was 1420? How would there have been constant queues with that kind of population?
For most of the first month the cap appeared to be 2k excluding the last week of the month and the first few days. Then during the 2nd month the average per night was around 1100 online. Thats how the 1420 number comes around. I always said its hard to compare Aradune in the beginning because of the extreme stability issues. However Velious and Luclin averages were not even close to Mangler with no stability issues.
Now I personally generally judge the success of a server based on the population during the first month of Planes of Power. Aradune was unfortunate to get the announcement of the new servers before pop even released.
POP Average (first 30 days)
- Mangler 2600
- Agnarr 1790
- Aradune 1180
- Coirnav 1090