Here is the type of fuckery that I despise and goes uncheck/unnoticed.
Last year, when Selo launched I was the guild enchanter. I would get tradeskill/jewelry requests and dumped a lot of early platinum into it to get my skills up. It got to a point where I was like, might as well do the Coldain Shawl, because I already made the investment plus the +4 hour Koadic's buff duration is pretty amazing.
One of the challenging things that I did not consider was how stupid hard and expensive Tailoring was going to be. The auction house had simple Spider Silk going for 5pp per. "What the actual fuck?" I thought to my self. It was puzzling, but it seemed on the surface a simple supply/demand equation. This is super early on in the server, where Krono was going for like 800 - 1000pp. So that should give you an idea of the value of money.
Then, one day I had a guildmate that needed some help with his Ranger Epic in East Karana. One thing I noticed was that EK is super out of the way and dead, even when Selo was new and burgeoning with people. It was also a zone that people said was really good for farming Spider Silk. There are Crag and Carrion Spiders that drop up to 6 silks. So, while helping my guildy track down and kill his mob, I am going to check on the frequency and density of these spiders to farm enough to get my tailoring up.
We zone in, there is one anonymous player in the zone. We find his epic mob, kill it without issue, then I start looking around for the spiders. The zone is pretty huge, but over this hill in an area that would be devoid of any normal foot traffic, I find a max level Magician, still in his starter robe, that is clearly not present. He has a macro setup for "Target nearest NPC, Send Pet to Attack". I am watching spiders spawn and die at a rate of probably 5 or 6 per minute. The amount of bodies littering the ground would make lesser computers impload on themselves. I send the guy tells and hang around for 20 minutes KS'ing him a bit, just to see if a real player would ever show up... nope.
I report him, leave and come back 4 hours later. Same guy, still there, nothing changed. I log out, go to sleep, come back the next day, and he is still there. I go on about my business, and check in on the spot every couple of days. This character is here doing this 24/7 for days on end. Meanwhile, the situation on the auction house never changes, 5pp a silk and anything priced under that immediately gets bought out and resold at the 5pp standard.
At least the poop-socking 6-boxers were actually there running their boxes holding down their camps. It is the automated bots that ran the server economy and Daybreak didn't give a shit.