Mercs are SoD and ironically they're so gimpy bad that if you try to lean into using them you end up relying on them for farming and fuckarounding but get a real priest for group progression and stuff, which is GOOD for the priests, who probably don't wanna help you farm snake asses but would love to do a real mission.
Anyway while I 100% agree that the God-TSS stretch complaints, my point was more than the disparity of which classes quit shows that it can't be just "oh new tlps kill old tlps" and there must be other factors. You need to address and mitigate these issues if you want to persist. I've had talks about this with people like sieger, frank, drill, etc. I think sieger understood and its why his guild cruised to live. You can say "yeah but selo was fast" no, selo was burnout speed, faceless lasted because it had TOO MANY priests (and monks but hey) because even when you had tanks like gorg and xak doing their own thing they made it a point to get people taskadds and not fall behind, and raid loot wasn't monopolized despite cries of you can't win without funneling.
I'm excited to see how rizlona goes taking a polar opposite approach of "EVERYONE just box past it" and hope it works, because I like the server. It may not. Aradune is gonna need to deal with the same problem every past tlp did. ROI changed dramatically during the 70s to finish TSS strong, faceless prepped for and weathered it great with the obvious 2nd wind in por as they absorbed the guilds who didn't, and to my knowledge only really citizen could be said to also have done well through. Most other guilds just struggle and coast at best.