VP just has too many weapons in an expansion where everyone is doing their epic. There are only a handful of raid items that are highly sought after. Lots of missing slots in terms of kunark raid gear.
Velious will bring a lot more desired items. Should be pretty interesting for every type of person involved. Buyer, seller, raider. The pool of items will be huge, but at least there will be raid items in every slot, for every class.
Whoever is in charge of batphone is going to have a rough life though. It's possible that vulak/aow/tunare loot will drop off 20+ other bosses if they don't change whatever formula they used for Kunark raid bosses. How long do you go with batphoning every single target that can drop vulak loot. When do you just let other guilds sneak into ToV to kill some scrub dragon. It might drop garbage... but it might drop 8 vulak items!