Oh lord i downloaded and logged into a new account for first time in like 10 years (?). For some stupid reason considering to play on TL if my wife wants to try to play. I showed her EQ video 6 months ago same time we were considering going back to FFXIV and she said "yuck, why would anyone play that haha".
Few quick questions
1) Probably will duo alot with her and maybe i'll 2 box someone i can play independently when she isn't around since she works alot of night shifts. She plays healers the limited time we've did MMO's so probably will want her on a healer. Been long enough i don't remember shit so any duo + box combo's would be appreciated.
Thoughts so far are
1) SK for my main to split pull and ok damage (?) and snare, still viable in raids (?)
2) Shaman for her, with my lifetaps will shaman healing + slows should be ok for trio content when we dont have a group ?
3) Wiz for ports and easy 2 box damage? I mained a wiz for most my EQ career and enjoy them but if i recall they weren't great because of mana regen issues until later in the expansions.
Alternatively, could go cleric for her and go with a slower for me? What are the options on that just enc? Clarity would be nice i guess?
I remember using MQ or something for basic mob tracking is that a no-no now/risk of getting suspended?
Also if i'm running to monitors can i run two instances of EQ just so i can tab between the two when boxing (no automated key strokes) or did i literally need to have fucking two computers side by side and run 2 keyboards/mice. fucking 2020 jfc.....
Appreciate any wisdom you vets can provide

Seriously why the fuck am i considering going back hah, outside of MB teams in kunarak POP and Omen were by far the best 2 expansions so hopefully will make it for the long haul, think i played up to TSS (?). With no new MMO's maybe would be good to play a year or two and get caught up with live.