Everquest TLP - Aradune and Rizlona Servers (Now with real customer service)

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TLP Idealist
Alright below is some stuff to assist folks messing around on Aradune and Rizlona. It ranges from exploits to tips and tricks. Some of you will know a lot of it already. Also included is a list of actual ZEMs we have right now. Don’t believe the rumors about them “flattening” ZEMs.

Final note: There is another experience modifier most people don’t know about, it’s an npc type modifier but it’s easier to just call it a MEM or mob experience modifier. So while some zones may be really good or really bad ZEM some of them have niche mobs that have big impacts on the actual exp you gain.

Bypassing the EQ Launcher:
Most everyone knows of this by now but I’m adding it here because some of the other items require you to do this in order to load into the world w/ modified files. The EQ launchpad normally verifies all your gamefiles before you go to server select. If it finds any that are incorrect it will fix them.

Bypass EverQuest Launchpad - EQ Resource - The Resource for your EverQuest needs
These instructions will create a shortcut that will open EverQuest bypassing the patcher and taking you straight to the EverQuest login screen. Also you can input anything for a username login which will automatically get inserted for you as your Username at the EverQuest login screen:

First browse to your EverQuest directory.
Right click "eqgame.exe".
Create a shortcut of "eqgame.exe" and send it to your Desktop
The icon will be named "Shortcut to eqgame". Rename your shortcut to EverQuest or if you want something more specific: "EverQuest - NoPatch \\ Toon1". (the \\Toon1 will be addressed shortly)
Right click shortcut, and select "Properties"
In the properties window, you should be on the Shortcut tab. In the target field you should see the path that leads to your eqgame.ext within quotations. Click on this field and add the following text after eqgame.exe: patchme /login:YourUserName
Click Apply, click OK.

As an example, your target field text should now resemble something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest\eqgame.exe" patchme /login:Toon1UserName

Note: The /login: information is completely optional. If you want to manually enter in your Usernames then just don't enter the login info. ["C:\Program Files\Sony\EverQuest\eqgame.exe" patchme] is perfectly fine as well and will work fine.
Note2: Replace Toon1UserName with anything that you want to appear within the username field of the EverQuest login screen. Reminder, for EQ the username is not case sensitive but the password is.
Note3: If your target field text includes quotations like the example above, be sure to add the patchme /login: information outside of those quotations. My version of Windows 7 does not have the path in quotations, if this is the case then disregard this, you do not need quotations.
Note4: If you want to use only one shortcut and operate different accounts from that one shortcut after you exit EQ it will always remember the last Username you used to login. If your main character is Toon1 and the last time you exited EQ you had entered the infor for Toon3, the next time you start up EQ from that shortcut it will automatically have the username of Toon3 entered if you did not use /login:Toon1UserName.

Using this method, you can set up instances of EQ specific to a single character. Having two shortcuts labeled \\ Toon1 and \\ Toon 2 along with their usernames entered into the target field all you would have to do now is enter their passwords and login.

Door Exploit:
All doors and other objects in zones are actually stored client side. This means with some file manipulation you can remove all doors and zone objects from the game. This also includes traps for the few classic zones that feature them (SolA/SolB come to mind). This can be convenient in places like Unrest, Befallen, Blackburrow or any other location where locked or perma closed doors can chew through your time.

Every zone in the game has a corresponding fileset in your EQ directory, so you can go to your EQ folder, sort by name and type “unrest” and you’ll see a few files for unrest. You want to remove the file titled “Unrest_obj.s3d” and just keep it someplace outside of the EQ directory. Then make a copy of “load_obj.s3d” and rename it to “Unrest_obj.s3d”. Now whenever your game checks for the client side object data in Unrest it will instead pull the objects from Character Select, which of course are nothing.

For best results with this you want to log out in the zone you’re modifying. Then log back in once the files are modified how you like. EQ can get weird if you try to zone with modified files too much.

There is a similar technique you can use to replace all NPC models with a default naked human male. This is useful to see what items a mob is holding if it’s a model that doesn’t normally display held items visually. Of course this capability is largely irrelevant if you’re using SEQ, so I won’t include it here.

This should work for any zone.

Charm Exploit:
When charming if you give a mob 2 weapons it can quad, and when it breaks it will also quad you. If you give it 1 weapon it will still quad, but when charm breaks it will NOT quad.

Guard Kwint:
In South Qeynos there is a quest where you transport a letter from Earron Huntlan (in the bar behind the Lions Mane Tavern) to Guard Kwint. Normally this involves a bit of running w/ a lore note between the two NPC’s. However you can train Kwint to Earron and lock him in place w/ hail spam. Then you can set up one hot key to do the required quest dialogue which will automatically put the quest item on your cursor. Leave the cursor hovering over Guard Kwint and just autofire or spam left click while mashing your hotkey as fast as possible. You’ll get EXP and some coin. Note that even though the note is lore you can have multiple lore items if one is in a trade window. So you can stack 4 turn ins at a time if you want.

Kwint's Kwest - Project 1999 Wiki
Fenn Kaedrick:
This is a level 1 triggered spawn in HHK that drops fine steel, ringmail or gems when killed. To spawn him say "Where is Fenn?" to Rodrik Marslett in the prisoner area. He pops on the top roof above Carson McCabe’s room. When you’ve killed him head back down and do the trigger text again. A delay timer was recently added to this spawn, not sure how long it is but it’s likely just a few minutes.

Go to Bronin Higginsbot in Misty Thicket (South Tower top floor) and say “small favor” to trigger Slaythe, a level 20 Froglok to spawn. He’s got very low HP and you can chain spawn him as much as you’d like. If you’re solo, bind at Bronin and run to Slaythe each time (he spawns right past the wall in the Northern section. Otherwise have a group mate just sit at him and spam triggers.

No Damage Sharks:
In Erud’s Crossing you can stand at -684.44, 777.24, -19.82 and pull sharks to kill without them hitting you back. Here is a screenshot of a level 15 Ranger doing it to level 39+ sharks. This pulls them out of the water as well so casters can stand on the beach and nuke.


Avoid mobs w/ the server tick:
This is just a trick to avoid aggro. If you need to move through a room w/ hostile enemies you can avoid aggro even w/o invis if you move at the server tick. To time it just make sure you’re not full mana or full HP and watch for the moment your mana/hp ticks up, then bolt through. If you’re quick you will almost always make it without issue as during this time mobs will not proximity/body aggro, only engaging them directly will get aggro.

Random tips for breaking through the curve:

If you’re not one of the first groups into Guk you’ll probably save time by using a less populated leveling route. A good one is Toxx Forest (doing the Kerrans that used to be their own dungeon zone), then Cazic Thule, then Lguk or OOT. CT is basically always empty even when 5+ groups are fighting for mobs in Guk.

Lavastorm has level 30ish dervish mobs in the back that have a nearly instant respawn. You can level from like 6-32 just in Lavastorm very easily because of the tons of mobs and fast respawn here. It even has undead you can charm if your group has a Necro. It’s also pretty tough to get trained here, so if you’re a group that wants to avoid too much drama Lavastorm is a great place to go.

For some reason North Ro has a 13.333% ZEM, so far as I can tell it’s the only non-dungeon to boast one in classic now.

ZEM List
The Arena0%
Gorge of King Xorbb0%
Eastern Karana0%
Erud's Crossing0%
Everfrost Peaks0%
Highpass Hold0%
Innothule Swamp0%
Kithicor Forest0%
Lake Rathetear0%
Lavastorm Mountains0%
Misty Thicket0%
Nektulos Forest0%
North Qeynos0%
Northern Desert of Ro13%
Northern Karana0%
Ocean of Tears0%
Qeynos Hills0%
Rathe Mountains0%
South Qeynos0%
Southern Desert of Ro0%
Southern Karana0%
The Feerrott0%
Western Karana0%
Toxxulia Forest0%
Butcherblock Mountains0%
Dagnor's Cauldron0%
Greater Faydark0%
Lesser Faydark0%
Steamfont Mountains0%
Kedge Keep80%
Mistmoore Castle17.33%
The Estate of Unrest46.67%
Cazic ThuleUNK
Runnyeye Citadel33.33%
High Keep0%
Lower Guk40%
Nagafen's Lair (Sol B)53.33%
Qeynos Aqueducts0%
Solusek's Eye (Sol A)66.20%
Splitpaw LairUNK
The Temple of Solusek Ro0%
Upper Guk40%
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  • 1Weird Boner
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Asking myself the same question, is it even really up? I hit Login within seconds of it unlocking and still got the popup.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Think I remember reading somewhere that the character creation process is fairly intensive server-wise so they set low max numbers initially and gradually increase them to trickle players in.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
And a total of eight 25% pots. That's forty hours worth of bonus exp.

All in all this is a much better deal than the previous one. A single 40-slot bag will take a lot longer to be replaced than a 20-slot bag. You'll probably use the 40 slot bag all the way to live, while two 20-slot bags will get replaced around the level 100 expansions if you play that long. At 105 on Phinny the smallest bag I have is like 26 slots or something like that. Then factor in the weight reduction and yeah, this is a much better deal.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I continue to be blown away by how shitty these launches go. Its like I fully know what to expect but it still gets me.
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Trakanon Raider
I love watching all the annoyed and sad faces on twitch each year. That shit brings a good smile to my face.
  • 1Worf
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
We should all write sternly-worded letters on the forums.

There were 8 people in the game on Aradune when it first locked/queued, I hear, which is pretty comical if true.


Log Wizard
There's more people watching streamers not get into EQ during server launches than watch streamers play EQ after launch. It's great.
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  • 1Worf
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I continue to be blown away by how shitty these launches go. Its like I fully know what to expect but it still gets me.
I would love to have a developer explain why they can't get it right. They have the data, experience, and gained knowledge from like 8 TLP's now. The only thing that makes sense is that they simply don't care.
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Tranny Chaser
WoW Classic allowed people to make a couple of characters well in advance. That would be really, really helpful on these to not have character creation be another thing to go wrong.
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