Tranny Chaser
Like sex, it's MUCH better in a group.
Yeah, at that level you can be capping out your exp gains (7.5% per kill) in a group killing level 4s and without an exp pot even on.
Like sex, it's MUCH better in a group.
Shitloads of enchanters, mages and druids about. It's easier to level a caster first and then twink a melee later, as a result there are very few tanks around right now. Been levelling a warrior and it's instant invites any time. Tanking sucks early on though because you can't hold aggro, gear all sucks and you'll end up having to pull too because everyone else is a caster and medding.
It does change over time as people start making alts. There's not much to do once you hit level cap, so a lot of people will be levelling alts in the next few months. Low level groups become a lot harder to get once Luclin comes around and everyone is just grinding AA on their main.
This was posted on reddit the other day, pretty good summary of what to expect:
Assuming this server follows the path of previous Classic-launch TLPs:
(all references to population of classes are as a % of total player population)
- Enchanters will be wildly overpopulated in Classic and near-impossible to find by Luclin.
- There will be tons of druids, but few players will actually main one.
- Monks will be over-represented in melee DPS due to imbalanced fist damage, but will maintain a healthy population through PoP.
- Rogues will be relatively rare, but become steadily more common until PoP, where they'll level out (as % of total population).
- Cleric population (as mains) will start strong and steadily fall over time, as people starting during later expansions are often stuck soloing for XP.
- Most mages will be boxes in Classic/Kunark, but players who endure will box other classes by Velious/Luclin. The population of main mages will stay pretty steady.
- Warriors will start strong in Classic but crash after a month and be underrepresented in Classic/Kunark as people realize they're just shitty knights. They'll gain in popularity and population as they get discs and aggro weapons until Pop, where they start to level out. Much higher percentage of mains than other classes.
- Necromancers will get an initial bump thanks to solo capability and the DoT revamp (though I don't think it comes in to play until much, much later), but will fade as raiding necromancers get sick of resists and become mana bitches in Kunark.
- Knights will be pretty steady throughout, with SKs outnumbering Paladins roughly 2:1.
- Wizards also stay pretty steady.
- Rangers will be a popular class which spikes in Luclin, but falls off after people get bored with autofire and one headshot every 20 minutes.
- Shaman will be steady throughout and are probably one of the most powerful all around classes.
- Bards will be one of the most boxed classes thanks to /follow and /melody, but main bards will always be preferred, especially once they can start pulling.
- When Beastlords come in Luclin, many people will declare main changes and then quit by PoP.
Yea I don't get the guk love. Got a CT group last night and ground out 22-26 in about 3 hours. Even got to group wifhKharzette !
What, enchanters near impossible to find? That's utterly ludicrous and was not remotely the case on Mangler. Enchanters are fully necessary for AE groups, AE groups where the main zone is in Luclin. Charming is at its zenith in PoP. Enchanter charm pet can out DPS three monks no problem. It's not until LDoN/God that they become decidedly less powerful (and even then, they're almost necessary in a number of the GoD group instances).
Paladins get a huge bump in usefulness and population in Luclin -- definitely wouldn't say it was constant.
Necros can parse extremely well in Velious and Luclin as long as they're not relegated to mana pumps (which is somewhat common if you only have a couple necros). Stuff dies too fast in PoP and everyone has max FT and more useful AA so they start falling behind there.
It's been a lot of fun watching the streamers on this server so far. The last time I did a classic launch in 2017 and even though the game is 21 years old now it's awesome to see that the "meta" is still advancing every cycle of TLPs. Everything is faster, still some cool new techs being learned in levels and raids etc.
This server supposedly has the same EXP rate as Agnarr and our group was the first to 50 on both. Look how much higher our /played was a few years ago.
Like sex, it's MUCH better in a group.
Invite me whenever I'm on and ill pull for you!The group exp bonus is almost too good. I boxed great exp in lavastorm yesterday 15-21, kept advertising in all the different chat channels for people to join, they could have come to AFK for all I care. Only got one response all day, from a necro (and I had to message him first), and the exp really skyrocketed with him joining without much else changing. He seemed pretty happy, I don't know why people are so hesitant to join up with boxers.
That said if anyone ever wants to join my shaman/monk box pst Reiker.
The group exp bonus is almost too good. I boxed great exp in lavastorm yesterday 15-21, kept advertising in all the different chat channels for people to join, they could have come to AFK for all I care. Only got one response all day, from a necro (and I had to message him first), and the exp really skyrocketed with him joining without much else changing. He seemed pretty happy, I don't know why people are so hesitant to join up with boxers.
That said if anyone ever wants to join my shaman/monk box pst Reiker.
The group exp bonus is almost too good. I boxed great exp in lavastorm yesterday 15-21, kept advertising in all the different chat channels for people to join, they could have come to AFK for all I care. Only got one response all day, from a necro (and I had to message him first), and the exp really skyrocketed with him joining without much else changing. He seemed pretty happy, I don't know why people are so hesitant to join up with boxers.
That said if anyone ever wants to join my shaman/monk box pst Reiker.