Why do you guys even log out? Computers these days can handle weeks of 24/7 login. Run an AHK script to type / every 30 or so seconds in a / in game hotkey and never log out, ever.
I don't even play aradune.
Download autohotkey, search it on Google
Right click on desktop, click create new autohotkey script
Type this next msg in the new empty file box:
Qtoggle = 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
Toggle := !Toggle
While Toggle{
Send 3
sleep 10000
Now go to file and hit save, make a new file on your desktop named whatever. Now right click this file on your desktop and click run
F8 turns it on/off(can change this too). Sometimes buggs out and must be restarted by right clicking the ahk script on desktop and clicking run again. By buggs out I mean f8 seems to stop turning it off and it keeps going until you re"run" the script to reset it
Send 3 can be changed to any #, but make a hotkey in game in the "3" spot to hit a hotkey that does "say /"
Sleep 10000 equals every 10 seconds it's going to send that hotkey. Can set it to 30000 for 30 seconds, 60000 for 60 seconds, etc then click save, right click file on desktop and click run to reset.
Log in, hit f8, afk for days while it does /w all and never logs you out, and is never doing some command that is obvious to anyone watching . Maybe relog when you're around the comp in case there is any duration logged in type check that might toss a red flag