I watched 20 minutes of one video that seems to be taken down and 20 minutes from the "travel the map" video.
- Lots of visual popins
- Rubberbanding
- Severe framerate drops
- Loot seems to be dropped for the individuals, so looked like you don't have to rush to loot / ninja loot.
- VATS is now just autoaim? I saw one person use it where the gameworld doesn't slow down, but just fired a shot not aiming at the mob at all, but hit it. Makes sense since you can't slow down a multiplayer world.
- The map looks very large. The travel video starts down and to the centre of the map, not from the edge. And he traveled to the closest corner. Take away the times he stopped and it would probably take around 20 minutes. Judging by the distance he traveled, it would probably take an hour or two to cross the map from the top left to bottom right.
- At one point, a tester shot another tester and got the message saying that safe mode was on. So might be able to turn off PVP or it is server based?
- When one person died from a level 52 dev, when he ran back his "junk" was left behind where he died. Did not drop weapons\armor, but you might be able to loot resources from PVP kills. If the game is centered around looting junk (which it looked like), and you drop it when dying I really hope you can turn off PVP. If not griefing will become a huge issue once people start leveling up. The level 52 dev oneshot four level 4-5 people in 3 seconds.
From that my conclusion is that if those graphical problems are on the most powerful Xbox, I would not buy it on the PS Pro. It's bound to be far worse. PC only for this. It also looked very ... bland? The tweet looks accurate.
I dunno. I don't see it lasting much longer than one character journey from level 1 to max. Where is the longevity? And while it is probably more fun to play it yourself, I got bored 20ish minutes into the video where they also said they edited it to contain only the action.
I am not hyped. I am "Meh.... will see".