Fallout 76 shows how little some game developers think of their fan base. “Just slap the fallout skin on it and the tards will buy it.”
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There was also a somewhat retcon where there's a conversation in a bar about asari being gender non-binary, which I guess falls into the SJW category.
Yes, because titles have never in the history of the world ever had massive price drops for Black Friday. Ever.
Hey man, we hated it before it was cool!Hah, it's hilarious to watch the pile on happening in this game. People coming out of the woodwork just to join the bandwagon and signal their gaming virtue.
Mass psychosis is a glorious thing to see.
Thanks for giving.
Female with asexual reproduction, vs nonbinary.I thought that was canon in the original series?
Hey man, we hated it before it was cool!
Well some of us did.
So which part are you finding hilarious? The discussing a game on a gaming forum part or maybe using hyperbole to assist in making a point on the internet part.
Discussing games and exaggerating shit is what made FOH great (again).
I just find another example of the hyper outrage culture that sprung up in recent years funny. The Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee is endlessly entertaining.
Now i am genuinely curious. Which part of this thread was "outrage" (TM)I just find another example of the hyper outrage culture that sprung up in recent years funny. The Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee is endlessly entertaining.
Now i am genuinely curious. Which part of this thread was "outrage" (TM)
Criticizing a game with legitimate shortcomings, expressing displeasure at the state of a once great franchise is hyper outrage?
I think you might just be dipping a but too deep into the hyperbole pool.
This is nothing new or extreme by any measure.
Yeah i dont see it. I see allot of disappointment, regret and criticism but nothing i would describe as outrage.. well except that idiot who thrashed the Game store because they didnt let him return the game but that is an outlier.Lol, really? You don't see it in the last few pages? Ok man.
Hah, it's hilarious to watch the pile on happening in this game. People coming out of the woodwork just to join the bandwagon and signal their gaming virtue.
Mass psychosis is a glorious thing to see.
Thanks for giving.
You're right you're right.
Can you fuckin believe it's 40% off 10 days after release?