Exactly what I thought it'd be. A sandbox filled with cat shit. Another Conan Exiles etcetcetc. Even worse than another Battle Royale. With no plot other than a self governing world. Is Bethesda hosting the world's? Will it work like Sea of Thieves where you're tossed in a world with rando's, build up your shit, hope you find an exosuit, get your base nuked, start from scratch, do stupid redundant "another settlement needs your help" quests, with only cosmetic bullshit as rewards? I mean, even if you got a collector hold in an actual bunker that can't be infiltrated, I don't need a trophy room, I need a fucking story, God fuckin dammit.
I really wonder what the fuck developers are thinking these days. Starfield, a space solo rpg, sounds a lot more promising, as long as it's not like Mass Effect, and mostly like a classical space shooter rpg kinna game with an actual story, especially not another No Man's Sky farming, crafting game.