I'm one of the retards that bought this in spite of the collective wisdom from this thread, I played it once, it didn't have ultrawide support yet, and didn't center your play window with black bars. It just shoved it to the left side of the screen and then left a large section of just my desktop on the right. If you moved your mouse to far over, it would get stuck on the desktop, and force you to do an alt tab dance to try and get your cursor back. You could force it to stretch to fullscreen coverage, but then the already not as pretty as it should be game, literally looked like you took a big handful of Vasoline and smeared it into your eyes. I know they've since patched all this, but I paid full price for a one time log in on this piece of crap. I may give it a couple patch cycles and then debate loading this up again for my Fallout fix, or just modding the shit out of Fallout 4 and probably having a better experience.
Whoever said the inventory management in this game was a cluster fuck? You were not lying.
The graphics are great. But fuck this inventory and constantly going over. Then you get “oh you can’t fast travel”. Da fuq is that!?!?!
When can you grab a bow? I'm only level 4 and I'm trying to take down the dudes that are harassing the bar tender lady.
Is there a way to redo perks and stats or do I have to start over. I'm only level 6 so no big deal if I have to start over.
Ok sweet. Another thing about leveling. When you open a perk pack is it random perk cards or set? Also when I level a stat it's forcing me to take a card I don't want. When I do the character builder website it makes it seem like you don't pick a stat until that card comes up. So do I wait and put stats in perception until level 7 and the specific card I want or do you just pick a card and swap it out later. Kinda confused on that leveling process.Not until 50. Special stats only gain until level 50, then after 50 at level up you have option to reallocate a special point or pick new perk cards.
you can shuffle your owned perk card load outs at any time, though. So like I’ll run damage perks, but if I need to pick a lock, I swap out some of the dmg perks for picklock, then swap back. Supposedly they are working on the ability to save perk load outs so you can do that automatically vs manually shuffling your cards up