Dunno if I missed it somewhere but
How did the Moldaver chick live so long? She didn’t seem like a ghoul and everyone else from that time period was in a pod, but don’t remember anything mentioned that caused her to stay around.
If you're a big New Vegas fan, you'll really love the teaser for season 2 lol.
They point out in the flashback that she's in fact a multi millionaire and they "bought all her tech companies" so it's safe to assume she had a cryo chamber.
I'm halfway through Ep2 and I'm kinda bored. Hope it picks up.
What, because of the situation with the yao guai and Titus? Titus was a coward who put Maximus in harm's way, ran away like a bitch, was only saved from certain death by Maximus, and then was determined to have Maximus punished for no reason. I thought it was a great scene overall, showing how heroes aren't always heroes (starting with Titus saying "I'm bored, let's kill something"). He does continue on in falsehood but he's still committed to the BoS mission initially.Maximus is quite the shitbird, not sure how they thought his actions make him compelling.
I think this dropped to an 8/10 by the time it had finished. The conspiracy reveal seemed a bit meh - no idea if it fits with the games as for some reason my recall of playing Morrowind and Skyrim seem more memorable than playing Fallout 3 and 4. My abiding memory of Fallout is an old room-mate constantly playing it on our living room PC and projector whilst the other gormless room-mate watched.
Not sure if my 8/10 score is a consequence of binging 4-5 episodes as your attention span naturally starts to wane - still the best thing on TV for a while and seemed faithful enough to the games with little touches like the bobble-heads. Which is why the shrieking over one use of "they/them" is so retardedly OTT lol
What, because of the situation with the yao guai and Titus? Titus was a coward who put Maximus in harm's way, ran away like a bitch, was only saved from certain death by Maximus, and then was determined to have Maximus punished for no reason. I thought it was a great scene overall, showing how heroes aren't always heroes (starting with Titus saying "I'm bored, let's kill something"). He does continue on in falsehood but he's still committed to the BoS mission initially.