I saw this on HBO Max last night and almost watched it... opted for the original Top Gun instead.
It was about an evil wizard's plan to take over the wizarding world with the corpse of a re-animated fawn-kitten thing, so he can rule the wizarding world and kill all the muggles, while a rag-tag ensemble of maybe-good-maybe-traitors wizards with five fake suitcases fool everyone while keeping the one suitcase with the not-dead, live fawn-kitten thing hidden so that they can have the big reveal at the end where all the wizards of the world; the black, the white, the gay, the hispanic, etc., can all think they are voting the way the fawn-kitten bows, but then the real fawn-kitten thing bows to the hispanic chick and all the dumb-ass wizards of the world change their vote and the muggle and wizard worlds are saved.Just watched this movie. It was horribly boring. I still really have no idea what it was about.
That was actually a really good synopsis.
I put it on in the background, and the movie managed to make a very simple plot extraordinary convoluted. This movie seemed to just ignore the second one. The villain can see glimpses of the future so the solution is for the heroes to not even understand their own plan… the fuck?
I want to see that. What season/episode?Yeah, Rick and Morty did it better, and funnier.
I want to see that. What season/episode?
the answer to both problems is the same. the original series were great. time to let it go and think of something new. there are millions of writers out there just busting to share their ideas and concepts, why are we being held hostage to shit from decades ago?I finally got around to seeing this, it was disappointing even with low expectations. The sad part is even with the terrible story and for the most part lacklustre characters, you can such an interesting world in there. The Potter universe is extremely interesting but is suffering the same fate as Star Wars…they can’t seem to know what to do with it.
I watched this for the entire purpose of seeing the Dumbledore/Grindelwald battle. About an hour in I'm thinking "okay, so they are going to fight at the nomination thing? That could be cool, big tall mystical mountain and shit", 20 minutes left and I'm realizing there will be no epic battle. This means I either have to watch another movie just for that scene, or they never film it because the movie sucked.