thought that was the old old leak that is not what actually is going to be made, because that was a terribad ideaVillain is Doom, hes a anti-social hacker/blogger from another universe and his blogger name is Doom. No im not joking
A Groo movie--animated or live--with the quality of Marvel Studios live action films would be boner inducing.All that marvel is missing now is some....
The avatar makes Grimm's recent angry replies even better. If you can get past the part where it looks like The Ultimate Warrior is jizzing, of course.Hey fuck you buddy, IT'S ON MY LIST!
Fantastic Four canon aside, if someone calls himself Dr. Doom, he is pretty likely to be some sort of emo blogger.Villain is Doom, hes a anti-social hacker/blogger from another universe and his blogger name is Doom. No im not joking
Or the best dad in the Marvel U!Fantastic Four canon aside, if someone calls himself Dr. Doom, he is pretty likely to be some sort of emo blogger.
Deep as fuck, yo. Reed and all these other assholes are just dooming the planet by getting in Doom's way. Pricks.But Doom has not planned this for so long to be stopped now. He strips himself, leaving him totally vulnerable and enters the doorway. There he is met by the Panther God of Wakanda, Bast, who is able to probe Doom's mind and soul for his impurities and bad intentions. At first glance, Bast calls Doom a monster, having caused countless deaths and caused much harm to friends and enemies alike. But Doom convinces Bast to look further, opening himself totally to show that the ends justify the means.In countless futures viewed by Doom, humanity has destroyed itself - except one. The alternate future of Doomworld where Doom reigns supreme is the only chance to save the human race.Though Bast does not approve of Doom's methods, Doom truly believes he can be the savior of mankind, and has passed the test.