Fantasy Grounds Curse of Strahd campaign


A nice asshole.
HC group's story is getting good/intense yo. Smushface collecting all the magic items.
Glad to here it, you perfectly pushed all the hidden buttons on that lich to get that Amulet of health. We barely breached act 1, this campaign has some of the largest dungeon crawls I have ever seen I can see why is campaign takes you from level 3-15.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'm out tonight had something pop up on me but don't worry the most famous bard in all the land will be back next week!


A nice asshole.
Hey rush your barbarian needed more HP due to this rule:

When your Constitution modifier increases by 1, your hit point maximum increases by 1 for each level you have attained. For example, when Bruenor reaches 8th level as a fighter, he increases his Constitution score from 17 to 18, thus increasing his Constitution modifier from +3 to +4. His hit point maximum then increases by 8.

Your mod increased from 2-4 due to Amulet of Health essentially giving you 8 more maximum HP putting you at 47!


Silver Knight of the Realm
I vote to bump play days this week to Tuesday and Wednesday in light of Labor day. I have bbqs to attend!


Silver Knight of the Realm
I forget where we are in the story...

We just killed the Earth Leader, got an awesome amulet from the Lich. And then?


A nice asshole.
I forget where we are in the story...

We just killed the Earth Leader, got an awesome amulet from the Lich. And then?
Everyone decided to make the monastery home base(there is still the guards to turn or kill), and then we are going to go confront the Air cultists.


A nice asshole.
Please note if you are not in the Mon/Wed game and want to experience the campaign with fresh eyes in the future you shouldn't read below.

Monday/Wed game so far:
Year is 1491 DR
Red Larch is a very dull place best known for crumblecake a bland combination of bread and "wildfowl scraps".
Party enters the town of Red Larch, Party decides the Bath house is best place to start after long journey escorting a caravan from Neverwinter. Party learn from Haeleeya(Emerald enclave) that Harburk the town constable and commander of the guard is dragging his feet to protect the town.

Harburk is also the butcher, and while he is doing his job to protect the town the surrounding area not so much. To appease the rumors of evil doing he sends the party South West to investigate talk of bandits.
Party dispatches them and learns nothing new. On return Red Larch is even more concerned with the growing evil and talk of the missing delegation from Beliard is on everyones lips. Party enters the Helm of High Sun (tavern)and learns from the bards there about a beautiful spire just North East of town. While drinking party is interrupted by a very tense monk yelling while on a table about someone needs to look for this missing delegation. He explains there route should have brought them to Red Larch more than a tenday ago. Spire is in general location of deligation route so the party ventures forth to investigate.

Party sets off to the spire, and run into Air enthusiasts and get a tour of the spire via a bright eyed and happy women named Savra, she explains they love to fly using giant vultures and Hippogriffs and invites them to a feast/10 year celebration. Commander Thurl and all are welcoming, during the feast a Manticore is spotted and the party takes up the hunt with them. After the victory Thurl explains who might have taken the cultists and sends the party off to investigate a temple of monks. The party steals from them during the night but notices nothing amiss, they head to earth temple.

Party kicks in the door of the earth temple after being told to go away, and proceeds to slaughter everyone they find. After a few encounters all is quiet so party uses the robes and mask disguises to explore the rest of the temple. They encounter the leader of the cultists praying at an altar and agree to join in the prayer. They are tricked and knocked back and down a pit where they all almost die to a blinded umberhulk. Party talked their way past some guards and discovered a bunch of slaves, after some convincing they were the good guys Bruldenthar(he said to call me ____ but I forget the shortened version I used) the dwarf leads the party and the group to a hidden exit they have dug in secret. Party was attacked and two of the 30 were killed in the escape. The party agrees to escort the group of ex-slaves to safety and opt to follow the river south to the Bargewright Inn.

Once safe Bruldenthar explains the delegation was attacked and the Earth cultists killed most if not all of the guards, then Air cultists attacked the earth cultists and managed to steal Deseyna using a giant vulture.(GASP!) Bruldenthar knows most of the delegation was brought to the earth temple but the cultists split them all up and no idea where the rest are. Bruldenthar is a shield dwarf historian who was transporting his collection of manuscripts to Waterdeep. Two random encounters later the party arrives at Bargewright Inn with everyone alive but hungry. Bruldenthar introduces the Party to Nalaskur the co owner of the Inn which is really a fort the protects the southern road passage.
Nalaskur doesn't trust his current employees and has to leave, since Bruldenthar vouches for them and the Barbarian is also a member of the faction Zhentarim he entrusts the party to keep the inn safe while he travels North East to report to his superiors promising gold and a good word if all goes well.

This part was a noncombat mystery but was written so poorly I messed up a few things, so short version. Important stuff went missing, party couldn't figure out who took what, a falling out happened and while party got the gold they lost some face within the Zhentarim and the outpost/inn is now vulnerable to attacks/espionage due to captain of the guard being the scape goat and forced to step down. Taking about 15 days in total.

Party decides to finish what they started at the earth temple, only this time they were met by minotaurs and again almost died. They proceed inside to the main altar and find the leader and a few guards/monks trying to contain an earth elemental, in their vengeance seeking behavior they attack the leader which breaks his concentration causing the earth elemental to gain size and strength. The fight went well and they now have the Earth Temple as a base. Final exploration of the temple leads them to encounter a very powerful wizard turned lich, who has deep ties to the Knights of Samular, and wishes the return of his brothers bones he thinks are in the Air Temple(not to be confused with the spire)
Having secured a base the Party sets off to confront the Air cultists at the spire but again are led around by a very convincing Savra and witness Commander Thurl'ss ritual to gain the favor of his god of air Yan-C Bin which entailed invoking his name and pushing slaves off the spire pinnacle as sacrifice. Party witness to this, attacks and one by one either jump or are pushed off the spire. The ranger lands in the river, the barbarian and rogue use Thurl's levitating body to break their fall and the cleric just insanely jumps off and splats doing just one HP short of insta death.

While the party recovers just off the main path they ignore a band of about 15 pilgrims that wander past, the decision to head to Beliard was made.

Above was all from memory so apologies if anything small/important was left out.

I will add these notes to the campaign as well:
Delegation info:
Bruldenthar: A shield dwarf historian who was transporting his collection of manuscripts to Waterdeep.
Teresiel: A moon elf from Silverymoon. Has a coded Lords' Alliance document. She also has magical seeds that the Emerald Enclave wants to bring to Goldenfields.(Original ranger learned of the seeds while at the bath house and the real reason Haeleeya is so upset)
Rhundorth: A shield dwarf from Mirabar. Has a coded Lords' Alliance document.
Deseyna Norvael: A noble from Waterdeep. Has a coded Lords' Alliance document.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Nailed it. Excited to see what happens tonight. Helldivers shall prevail!