Fantasy Grounds Curse of Strahd campaign


Really happy with how the typing only is working out, was worried lack of any sound would hurt gameplay.
I think it comes down to player discipline. Aesthetics can help engage or focus players, but at the end of the day people whose minds are elsewhere are going to remain there regardless of what you're doing as DM. One of the hard times I had DM'ing in college was learning my audience, but once I did it became infinitely easier to build campaigns when I knew which group would appreciate detail and which group just wanted to binge eat/drink and roll dice.

That being said; I'm enjoying the M/W group and appreciate the effort you're putting into running the sessions for us and getting all of this going in the first place.


A nice asshole.
I definitely learned to keep role playing NPCs to a minimum, they have their place but so far without a massive amount of description which is hard to do on the fly they only work in small doses.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Is everyone ok with my semi-murder hobo depiction of a barbarian? Cause if not, Go en fook urself!


As a chaotic alignment I can go along with murdering for the greater good, but if you kill another villager without justification Feredork (and assuming Bale) might have to take away your toys until we run into BBEGs.

Maybe we can chain a collar and blinders on you then have a command word to release your bindings temporarily.


Silver Knight of the Realm
In to the waterdepth catacombs we go! One troll on our heels, one one-eyed asshole in front of us...SCARY!


A nice asshole.
If everyone can log in a little early today that would rock, I may have to cut game a little short tonight.


We killed the beautiful queen right before she kissed Bale! Maybe we should consider renaming the party to the cock blockers.

Or maybe next session we fight out way back to the keep and proceed to town so Smush can get his groove back.


A nice asshole.
Another round and Bale would have been her best friend


Another round and Bale would have been her best friend
I think it's safe to say Bale would have been okay with that. Also that were I in his armor, I would be as well. Why can't we find him a good Pelor priestess to take home to mom? Or a nice plump goat for smush?


Summary of M/W.

After clearing out Riverguard Keep the "Hell Divers" go spelunking and discover an ancient Dwarven City that seemingly spans the breadth of the Sumber hills underbelly. The initial exploration led to trolls, hobgoblins, and water culists; but later led to an temple devoted to air. The party avoided confrontation with a Djinn and negotiated passage for freeing it from control at the hands of the Air Queen Aerisi. The party attempted to sweet talk the queen, but it was a distraction to destroy the Djinn's anchor to the mortal realm and subsequently setting it free. The queen, highly upset by this betrayal, proceeded to try and electrocute the party before being brought down to earth by a combination of poison and sorcery. Being in rough shape and wishing to recovering the orc barbarian's strength, the party returns to the surface and fresh air before heading onward to Beliard. En route they run from wyverns, kill a shark knight, troll, and cultists that attempted to steal their boat. Reaching the surface they claim a larger vessel as their pirate-barbarian's own and set north for Beliard. Upon arriving they get ripped off by a temple priest who is in turn threatened to be physically ripped apart by the barbarian as a thank you for having his strength restored. Later the party spends a wonderful evening resting in a peculiar tree-house of an inn and gain more information of the goings on of the Desarin valley - some of which is quite dire news of orcs recently raiding the villages to the north, a warband the party ranger has had prior unsettling experience with. The party unifies in the need to stop the pressing threat before resuming their search for the delegation, but almost immediately upon setting out they walk into a trap of summoned hell hounds by what appears to be the fire cultists. After many burns and the utter, epic destruction of the hell hounds the party takes a moment to breath and take in the beating of war drums and the moon appearing to become covered in blood.


A nice asshole.
Going to be stuck at work until late and I already feel like shit, hate to say it but going to have to cancel tonights game. Sorry all.