Fantasy Grounds Curse of Strahd campaign


A nice asshole.
Bump! I was able to updated last nights game, still need to hand out the loot so not sure what they got beyond a +2 Bastard sword.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Weekends are spent mostly with my fiancé, we get married on the 25th of February. Week nights are spent coaching are spent coaching. Wednesday I'm playing with my group of 5 irl. So I've really got no good option! Unless she'd let me play Sunday nights.


Silver Knight of the Realm
So, it appears that my rl group is going to play 3 out of 4 weeks a month, which means im free to join you guys that free week!


A nice asshole.
So you can play once a month? Love to have you back but a once a month pop in wouldn't work. Sorry man.

On a different note, Strahd campaign is all but wrapped up. Strahd died in a way I totally didn't see coming. Curse of Strahd


Trakanon Raider
*slow clap* Nice, sounds like the party had the dice in their favor for that last fight! Lovesdreading it, excited to start on the next one.


A nice asshole.
Yeah they counter spelled a DC 23 level nine fireball and then forced a ton of saves to finally lock him down and murder him. When his mist form couldn't make it back to the castle in 2 hours he died.

Was anticlimactic as fuck and they didn't get to see most of his castle so I will turn it into a one shot with a new villian and monsters later.


Trakanon Raider
First world DM Problems!

Had some friends running a campaign a couple weeks ago that had built up to a vampire fight after months of campaign. The dm had built this giant multi part fight with some chase and obstacles built in, basically the 5ed lair mechanics. Anyway, they ended the last game with the vampire revealing himself. They started the next game with "roll initiative".

One of the guys playing is this cowardly goblin henchman thief. He typically hides or runs from fights, the player just likes role playing and utility, and being more of comic relief character. Anyway, he wins initiative and everyone expects him to run and he goes "well I scream, and can I just grab one of our tent stakes and fire it from my hand crossbow?" The Dm says he can try but he will need to roll a 20 to hit. So the player asked if he can try to aim for the heart, the dm laughed and said he do a called shot if he wants to roll at disadvantage. Rolls double 20's. Table collectively loses their shit. The DM calms everyone down and says ok ok, he hit, but he has to roll again to see if it goes in at that right force to not pass all the way through or what have you. Player rolls another 20. Everyone explodes. DM throws his hands up and goes "well ok, you guys win, what do you want to do now instead of D&D, because that's what I had planned for today, God damnit."

That was a few weeks ago, and everyone is still ranting about it. The DM is still grumbling haha.