Far Cry 5


Useless lazy bastard.
The extra 600 dollars for a undetected compared to getting just no alarms isn't worth the effort to me, so I just use helicopters for outposts. Missile down the alarm towers, then just minigun the rest. Kind of cheese the entire encounters though as they become utterly trivial. Nearly everything becomes trivial with the helicopters. Accidentally did the Misery quest when I flew over it and it activated. Before doing it I had seen a streamer struggle with it on hard since there are so many waves. In a helicopter though, it took a few minutes just waiting for the waves to appear. The drugged animal quests are done with one missile strike.

Yupp, just flew in over Faiths part of the map to take a peek and ended up getting 75% to "unlocking" her by just machinegunning everything I saw. It is very fun, but a tad bit overpowered since (so far) there is nothing that survives an helicopter attack, outposts takes less then two minutes to clear and VIP NPCs drop as soon as you look at them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So I've been mixing and matching companions just to listen to the different dialog between them. There are a lot of very funny moments in the game, but Hurk Jr, man this guy has me rolling (plus he's a great option to take down enemy aircraft w/o wasting or carrying RPGs). This game is full of stereotypes, but they do it well.


<Silver Donator>
I think they do it well mainly because they have just a little bit of the best & worst from a lot of different stereotypes.

I think Grace is my favorite so far, and the horny helicopter pilot is my least favorite. Grace is just a badass.

Hank Jr. "So, Grace, you have any....uh....Political affiliations?"
Grace "Killin' Peggies"


Toe Sucker
I pretty much always have a mixture of Grace/Hurk/Jess, i abandoned boomer :(

i kinda went from exploring everything in john's area, to maybe half of jacobs and now i just want to finish Faiths asap. The game is fantastic but 10 or 15 hours in it's really easy and i'm kind of losing interest lol
Would give faith the digital dicking tho fo' sho.


<Gold Donor>
Peaches and Jess was my go to, finished this last night and enjoyed it quite a bit overall. Some of the stuff got repetitive towards the end, but the ride was still good. I wish they'd go the extra mile with the stories though, but I guess that would screw up the Far Cry formula too much. Good game - I thought the music & score were really strong and fit the theme well


Toe Sucker
I'm a big fan of the Faith portion of the game, haven't finished her's yet though but damn did they ever nail the visual and atmosphere of her scenes. below is a great one imo.

this song is probably what really nails it lol, so captivating for how eerily creepy she is.

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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Ran into the problem I've seen talked about on reddit a lot. The resistance meter fills way too fast on incidental shit, which causes you to hit breakpoints for the retarded "lolololol captured again!!!11~" quests which in turn force some of the main story quests to autocomplete themselves. And when Fall's End liberates itself, one of the quests there never opens up.

Moral of the story, do the main story missions as they pop up, and do as little of the infinitely repeatable resistance stuff as possible (meaning only rescue civilians to get breadcrumbs to other side quests and prepper stashes, ignore all the trucks you can hijack or destroy, kill as few cult VIPs as possible in Faith's region, etc.).

Re: Faith, her backstory is pretty fucked up and you can easily miss a good chunk of it if you don't listen to all the recordings and read all the notes.
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Toe Sucker
That makes sense... during jacob's area i was getting the forced story parts not even remotely close to the breakpoints and was confused as fuck lol


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The breakpoints seem to be both on the dots and an unmarked one right in the middle of the bar. Plus the very end, obviously.


Trakanon Raider
Moral of the story, do the main story missions as they pop up, and do as little of the infinitely repeatable resistance stuff as possible (meaning only rescue civilians to get breadcrumbs to other side quests and prepper stashes, ignore all the trucks you can hijack or destroy, kill as few cult VIPs as possible in Faith's region, etc.).

Absolutely this.

They fill so fast and them forcing triggers for main quests that removes other quests is not a good design in my opinion. I have two of three points unlocked with both guys (completed Faith), and yet to visit the main hub Falls End. Just unlocking the companions will push you into two without hardly touching anything else.

For Faith I actually had to play without companions at the end because they kept killing NPCs that either rescued civilians or gave VIP points. By the time I got to finish the main hub quests in her area, I had 50 points left until it triggered her last quest. That is one civilian. I still had 2 companions to get on her side and lots of outposts.

Would also suggest just going straight for the main hub in each area and just doing those quests before anything. Going by the number of random quests / outposts / shrines/silos and the likes in each area, there is probably (without civilian rescues\VIP kills) 3+ times the faction needed to max it in each zone.

No extra save spots (stupid), but if I had, I'd try to see if I could "break" it, which I think you can. In a helicopter, you won't get captured until you land. Liberating outposts won't land your heli.

1) Beeline to 3 perk caches and unlock the auto repair
2) Summon heli with guns
3) Fly and liberate all outposts and kill silos\shrines to get faction points.

What would happen when you unlock all 3 parts of the kidnappings without ever triggering one? Do you skip to the last one, or do you get chain kidnapped the second you land? You can probably do this in a few hours.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Bliss bullets will definitely capture you in a helicopter. The capture parties that use them are a bunch of wallhacking aimbots. Not sure about the others but I assumed they cheat too.


Mr. Poopybutthole
How are the rape references in this game btw? There was tons of rape in Farcry 3, from the obvious (Buck repeatedly sodomizing Keith), to the technical (Citra fucking a drugged Jason), to the subtly horrific (If you pay attention to the shit the guards say, they reveal that Daisy escaped from the 'fucking hut').


I haven't read every piece of paper in the game, but there's practically none? Faith has a hinted f'd up backstory but there aren't a ton of details.


Throbbing Member
How are the rape references in this game btw? There was tons of rape in Farcry 3, from the obvious (Buck repeatedly sodomizing Keith), to the technical (Citra fucking a drugged Jason), to the subtly horrific (If you pay attention to the shit the guards say, they reveal that Daisy escaped from the 'fucking hut').

I haven't had much time to play so far but I've saved a couple of girls about to get raped here and there. These were just random civilian saves.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Finished this up yesterday. Although I still want to go back and play everything I missed.

With that said.....

What in the ever living fuck was with those endings. Really???


Mr. Poopybutthole
Dunno why you put that in a spoiler tag. Shitty endings are par for the course with Ubisoft, remember Far Cry 3? Or basically every Assassin's Creed game?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Dunno why you put that in a spoiler tag. Shitty endings are par for the course with Ubisoft, remember Far Cry 3? Or basically every Assassin's Creed game?

Believe it or not, I have never finished an Ubisoft game until now.

I always get bored of the filler content. In this one, I didn't because it was good content this time around to play through.


<Silver Donator>
I just found out you can grapple onto a helicopter.

I had fun latching onto the nympho pilot's heli and directing her to fly me around like RDJ in Air America.
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FPS noob
Game definitely has that super annoying far cry factor where missions fail randomly because shit blows up, cars or NPCs move too far away from you, or just rando shit happens. That shit with rep where if you get too high then certain side quests vanish is stupid as fuck. All in all Assassins Creed definitely has the higher polish and seamless factor, still this is pretty fun just super frustrating at times when you wanna do things one way but the game clearly wasn't designed for it.

As people have said in previous posts, its super unintuitive but if you wanna play this game "right" do all the main story missions FIRST then do side quests after you main up each area, if you do it the other way it gets kinda fucked. Which is dumb.