

Trakanon Raider
Everyone has them. I was never afraid of heights until recently. I could still get on any rollercoaster etc, but maybe it's because I'm climbing on roofs and I have a two a half year old and another one coming in July. My new job involves climbing on roofs and if the roof has a 9/12 pitch I'm absolutely terrified. I know if I fall off I probably won't be able to do the same work anymore, at least for the same company and I know how little worker's comp pays. I'm making pretty good money right now, but every time I get on a steep sloped roof I get really worried about falling off and dying or getting hurt really bad.

I guess this thread is about your fears, but also if you've developed any new ones without you ever thinking you'd have that kind of a problem.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'd say I gained a new, much more frightening, perspective on nature after the hog attack, yeah.
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Not new but swimming in the ocean or out in a lake off shore. Deep murky water freaks me the fuck out. I don't freeze or lock up but I'm tight, and it's like I can feel something hovering all around me, ready to pull me down. Don't know why, didn't have any near drowning or aquatic animal attacks or anything when I was younger. *shrug*


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Falling is my only serious fear. Jaws made me a bit uncomfortable about the ocean but I still swim occasionally.

I don't mind heights. I have worked construction as well and don't mind roofs or anything. If I don't feel like I am on something stable I get pretty nervous quickly. Even with that I have never been so scared it has really stopped me from doing stuff, though I no longer boulder and rock climb, so I guess that counts.


Potato del Grande
Im claustrophobic. I have actually walked off planes because the circulation of air was off and we were sitting in the summer time. I cant sit by the window. I need to feel like I can get out and that I can breathe. Once im in the air and everyone sits the fuck down im ok but then when we land the feelings back again because idiots who act like they have never flown all stand up when the plane stops even though its going to take 20 + minutes to get everyone off. I bring a small battery powered fan with me, aim it at my face and close my eyes. Sketchy old elevators... not gonna happen. Elevators that take more than 2 fucking seconds to open after reaching the floor. I will punch through the fucking wall. I will never enjoy a submarine ride or go scuba. When I was around 10 my brother zipped me up in a sleeping bag and left me. I thought I was going to kill him after my folks let me out and I stopped crying like a little bitch.
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Molten Core Raider
Spiders. When I was a kid, they didn't really bother me, but as I got older they sort of just started to freak me the fuck out. I'm ok with any insect, but if that shit has 8 legs, I'm out of the room.

I told my wife, when we started dating, that if we saw a spider in a room we were in, I was leaving until she killed it. She jokingly gives me all sorts of crap about it, but whatever, I lose all balls when I see a spider.

I've wondered why I became so deathly afraid of them when I was ok with them as a kid and have no idea.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
public speaking in an official capacity.

individually, in small groups, and even in large groups when it's impromptu, I can speak eloquently and get my ideas across effectively and without problems. When it's an officially scheduled presentation I somehow psych myself out and go completely fucking blank.


<Gold Donor>
Im claustrophobic. I have actually walked off planes because the circulation of air was off and we were sitting in the summer time. I cant sit by the window. I need to feel like I can get out and that I can breathe. Once im in the air and everyone sits the fuck down im ok but then when we land the feelings back again because idiots who act like they have never flown all stand up when the plane stops even though its going to take 20 + minutes to get everyone off. I bring a small battery powered fan with me, aim it at my face and close my eyes. Sketchy old elevators... not gonna happen. Elevators that take more than 2 fucking seconds to open after reaching the floor. I will punch through the fucking wall. I will never enjoy a submarine ride or go scuba. When I was around 10 my brother zipped me up in a sleeping bag and left me. I thought I was going to kill him after my folks let me out and I stopped crying like a little bitch.

Feel the same way. At a lunch just today with some big muckity muck investors we're in there and idle chatter is continuing around me after our meal - I quietly went up the waiter to get the check without letting these people order desserts, when they found out I'd paid they were all bummed. When the meal is done, get the check and get the fuck out. As soon as I walked outside I immediately felt relieved.


A Mod Real Quick

Had a bad experience when my brother ran over a log on his bike and disturbed a yellow jacket nest. Got stung over 20 times on my head alone. If I see one I will trample people


The Dirtbag
Not new but swimming in the ocean or out in a lake off shore. Deep murky water freaks me the fuck out. I don't freeze or lock up but I'm tight, and it's like I can feel something hovering all around me, ready to pull me down. Don't know why, didn't have any near drowning or aquatic animal attacks or anything when I was younger. *shrug*
Exact same as ToeMissle, the less clear the water the more nervous I get. Thanks Jaws...

Enjoy. This is a good one too. I have slight thassalaphobia but it tends to actually go away after a while in or on the water.


Just a Nurse
Severe, panic attack-like arachnophobia. I do have an intense fear of heights, but, do feel that I could manage that more than arachnophobia (and katsaridaphobia for that matter).


Watcher of Overs
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
public speaking in an official capacity.

individually, in small groups, and even in large groups when it's impromptu, I can speak eloquently and get my ideas across effectively and without problems. When it's an officially scheduled presentation I somehow psych myself out and go completely fucking blank.

Same. I am easily a center of attention with large groups of friends and even their friends, but speeches and whatnot? I get cold sweaty palms, heart palpitations, complete waves of panic. No idea why. I have a wedding coming up and what should be the happiest days of our lives, I will have days (if not weeks) leading up to it in fear of having to give speeches.


Molten Core Raider
I hate speaking in front of people but I've chosen my carreer accordingly so I'm fine.

I also have a fear of heights, to the point where I get soft knees from looking at a picture sometimes (think those crazy russians climbing on top of buildings and doing handstands)

Hasn't stopped me from climbing/bouldering though.

And my newest fear is, thanks to some cunts on facebook linking videos, losing my kid/s to cancer or some other freak illness. To everyone who does that, you're an asshole and nobody has ever loved you.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Losing my hands or the ability to control them. Nearly every aspect of my existence requires that they function. After seeing a friend become paraplegic after their car rolled, and lost primary function and dexterity in their hands....man that fucked me up. You can't eat, can't cook, can't type, can't work, can't play video games, can't hold your kid's bottle, can't finger my wife.... The pain of carpal tunnel and cramping sucks, but at least they still work. My life would literally end and start over without the use of my fingers and it freaks me the fuck out.