WoL, Tilith, and Orlandeau are definitely a good core of units. Rikku is good for trials and ELT bosses because of her limit break and mitigation stuff, but she probably won't be part of your team for most other stuff. Same thing for Minfilia, she's good to slot in for specific uses, but not a usual member.
Firion's good if you spend the resources to fully enhance his killers and fin briar, but my opinion is that even fully enhanced he's just not worth the investment (those enhancement materials can do way better on a superior unit later). Is your Bikini Fina the 4* or the 5* version? If the 5* version, she's a decent mage. If it's the 4* version, she's worthless (you have Tilith), and same with Yshtola. Chizuru and Amelia both have their uses for building chains, but neither will do very impressive personal damage. Rain doesn't really have a use except for fullbreak, which WoL does way better starting tomorrow.
I'd say wait until tomorrow and do the special draws and hopefully your guaranteed 5* unit is someone great and they can go into your main team.