So, started playing this over Christmas since I'm going to be traveling a lot this year. Kid said I got some okay pulls with all the free summon (Mainly F2P, I bought the dollar bundle, but I'll only do those probably). WoL, Rikku, Ace*2, Victoria*2, William*3, Soleil (Dancer), Veritas of Earth, Kyla, Chizaru, Luka, Mercenary Ramza*2, Agrias *2 and few more, but right now half of those aren't maxed yet (Have a ton of cactuars waiting but need awakening materials--didn't know you should get them at the King Mog event), but those are the ones I'm using right now. Also, no shit, got 8 of the dude whose TMR is that chain saw...Also have a Xon.
Any case, I'm still pretty undeveloped (Rank 35), not even done the main story--but I know Luka is really dependent on awakenings. I have her Regen Awakened once, but she's still pretty weak in terms of healing for any tough stuff. So I want to farm this story, but I can't beat the Chimera with Xon in my group, and my current level friends (Essentially all my level since I grabbed them at random, all rank 30-35ish).
Anyone here have a friend slot available with a ringer I can use to farm this a couple times a day? I can do it without Xon, but really would rather him be in the group for the extra drops.