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Played this when it first came out then kinda fizzled on it. Any chance of a new player catching up in this game without ptw? Been looking for a new gacha game to mess with
I started 5 months ago, and have spent 50 dollars on the game (I will buy the 10 dollar bundles at the start of the month), and my team can down everything (Still have a few bosses left to do but its mostly just organizing shit to get to them). There is a 1/2 NRG event going on right now, and this banner is pretty good for rerolling, Sephiroth chains with a bunch of other characters which makes him an easy fit. And the 4 star unit is a pretty good magical tank, so that's two slots you'll get top of the line characters for. Also, they've started giving away very nice, but older TMR items from 3 star units during Mog King events once a month, which for veterans doesn't do much, but for new players they are huge power boosters.
So yeah, its not hard at all to catch up. You won't have a super versatile team for months, but you'll have a capable team if you reroll, and then spend a couple months making sure your energy and orbs are spent. If you're willing to spend 5-10 a month, it will go much faster, but totally possible free to play
Also, right now is a raid event, Bahamut--its great for free TMR's when you eventually get the units. Its up for another 4 days, if you start, and add us as friends, most of the carry units can pretty much solo him. So you'll have a ton of Cactuars (Used for leveling), Gil units and as said, free TMR's to give your units some really powerful weapons to start with. (If you Reroll a couple times, try to keep a Zyrus, the Moogles from Bahmut will give you a really powerful mage weapon.)
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