Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Farm cactuars, but don't use them until Monday's fusion success rate event. I'd suggest using today's 500 lapis compensation to expand unit inventory to 75 so you can hold more metal gigantuars.

After cactuar event, use all your energy farming Lanzelt Ruins for fire/ice megacrysts (10 each needed for Hero Ring crafting), rank XP, unit XP, rare mats from steal and drop, and gil.

Beat Europa and clear INT colosseum.

That's about it really.

I would not pull at all until there's a rate-up event. Only exception would be if you have absolutely no units to use cactuars on Monday, and even then I would stop after a couple non-dupe pulls max.


Trakanon Raider
After finishing the new part of the campaign, I've just been slowly working on completing all 54 quests available. Mostly done, but some of them take a seriously long time and a lot of energy, like hunt down and kill 10 hungers, 10 ancient evils, etc. Almost done, only 4 quests left.

Intermediate Colosseum has been an absolute joke in comparison to Europa the whole way though, until Rank S again. Intermediate Rank S has been a hefty challenge, even with a full team of 5*'s (Lasswell, Rain, Fina, Terra, Terra is my lineup). I'm up to Int S-3, and theS-2 bossI'd say was as hard or harder than Europa. Hoping my lineup can clear the last 3 rounds when I get there. I have a lot of healing, but kinda low on dps and utility buffs such as fullbreak or AoE protect.

Once I finish off the rest of the quests, I'm gonna start farming magicite to level espers. Probably Shiva first, since that's who I have linked to my friend leader, and it would give me Magic Break, something my team lacks. I need to craft a bunch of hero rings also, but farming the materials for those is done at the same time as farming magicite for espers, so it works out well.

It's hard to resist doing more summons, since I really want Cecil or Cloud of Darkness, but I'm holding off. My last 11 pull gave me 10 4*'s and a duplicate Terra, so for sure waiting for a rateup this time.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
There's no source of violet magicite currently though (green->red->white->blue->black from Lanzelt explorations), so farming for Shiva sounds even more of a horrible slog than digging up 80 fire and ice megacrysts. I've been thinking about buying the current iron chest x5 to level her, though I'm still not sure if Google Play will let me. It's really tempting because mine's L19 now from using the violets I saved from the previous event, so 135k worth of magicite is pretty much exactly enough to hit 30.

I did a couple pulls against my better judgement, and got Penelo and Clyne. On the bright side, they both came out already 4* so at least I don't have to waste a bunch of xp and mats on their 3* forms/awakening. Clyne has Cura too, so if I replace Edgar with him I should be able to finally beat that Europa fucker. From what I understand a properly geared Penelo has probably the hardest-hitting ability in the game with Sword Dance too, though unfortunately 'properly geared' means having Dual Wield which is only attainable from Zidane's TM. Got 56 gigantuars saved up so I'm going to level both to 60 tomorrow regardless.


Lands of plenty are garbage. Did about 5 runs. Tons of copper and lumber, few hi potions and magicite, nothing amazing, no megacryst, no megacite yet.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, the most you'll get out of it is a couple blue magicite. Was worth doing once for the 100 lapis and, in my case, completing both the hill gigas and barbarus quests.

Beat Europa this morning finally. Barthundara and having 2 curas made it completely trivial.


Trakanon Raider
I have no self control. Did more summons in search of Cecil. Didn't get him, but I got Bartz, so overall I'm pleased with the results. Also got Luna, who has a nice trust mastery to work on, and Rydia and Maria, who both have nice upgrades coming. Course I got my fill of trash like Cyan and Bedile too...


Trakanon Raider
Managed to beat the Frost Dragon, final boss of intermediate colosseum rank S-5, which is the last boss available on global server. It took a bunch of orbs to try various tactics, but I'm glad I was able to pull out a victory. It's kind of funny that I did a bunch of summons today because I was stuck on this boss, yet I end up beating him with my original team since the new stuff I summoned isn't ready yet. Can't wait until they add in more challenging fights like that one. Does Japan server have more colosseum ranks, or intermediate the end of the road for a long time?

Video of my marathon battle in spoiler.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
In case you missed it on Reddit, the superior blade you can craft from the event recipes has a blind proc. Definitely worth crafting now, especially if you use a character like Edgar who has a multi-hit AOE attack which can proc the blind on each hit. I ended up unlocking a second Forge slot since I'm busy crafting hero rings on my first one. Once I finish the superior blade I'll just start making two hero rings at a time until I have 8.

If you don't feel like crafting 30 broadswords you can just buy them in Mitra.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Damn, the amount of Lumber and Copper required though. Did you just farm the first stage of the event dungeon for that?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I had like 175 copper and 120 or so lumber. I made 10 broadswords, then bought 20 more so I didn't need to farm more copper. Getting the last ~40 lumber I need won't take long in Lands of Plenty BGN, considering there's 18 hours worth of crafting needed to make 6 fine broadswords. (Assuming I don't get that much lumber while farming the last few megacrysts I need for my next hero's ring.)


I bought the 60 broadswords just to save on mats. I spent the lapis for the extra forge and ability slots a week ago. It's actually been a significant quality of life improvement since a couple of the higher level items are 6h to 12h.

Managed to beat the Frost Dragon, final boss of intermediate colosseum rank S-5, which is the last boss available on global server. It took a bunch of orbs to try various tactics, but I'm glad I was able to pull out a victory. It's kind of funny that I did a bunch of summons today because I was stuck on this boss, yet I end up beating him with my original team since the new stuff I summoned isn't ready yet.
I had a similar issue with the Bird boss at INT D colosseum. He kept spamming aero and stone and wiping my party so I broke down and bought keys for silence blade and baraerora. By the time I crafted baraero I forgot to equip it and ended up beating him spamming silence bio blaster, and thundaga.


Trakanon Raider
The game is finally available to download globally but it looks like they are in maintenance this morning.

I gave up trying to download the from the Sweden App Store so I'm looking forward to finally trying this.


Potato del Grande
The game is finally available to download globally but it looks like they are in maintenance this morning.

I gave up trying to download the from the Sweden App Store so I'm looking forward to finally trying this.
It's going to give you a week or two, but doesn't have the substance of FFRKat launchyet. Let's see what the next week brings.


<WoW Guild Officer>
It's going to give you a week or two, but doesn't have the substance of FFRKat launchyet. Let's see what the next week brings.
Might as well start on it now...

thanks for the notification AW.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
After the tutorial you should have 10 tickets and 1500 lapis. I'd strongly advise using Nox (can easily run 3-4 instances at once if you want) on your PC and reroll until you get Exdeath and some other top-tier unit. Cecil or Cloud of Darkness would be the best, but Bartz, Terra, Firion, Vaan, and a few others are good too. All depends on how patient you are.

Maintenance is over, but the servers are being slammed at the moment so you may run into problems.

Edit: NM, more maintenance.


Trakanon Raider
I tried to log in but servers boned or something, guess I'll try again later. Kinda bummed we missed the final milestone for more summoning tickets, but oh wells. It's so hard for me to resist summoning, but I'm gonna try this time!

I didn't see any kind of patch notes or anything released. Was this just a bugfix maintenance or was more content added with it?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't think there's new content yet. Could be wrong though, I only got to do my colosseum fights before I got booted again.

They fixed the infuriating lag when opening skills page though, so I'm more than willing to forgive all the other problems going on at the moment.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Seems stable now.

Something else for new people, I don't recommend linking the game to your main Facebook account if you actually use it for, uh, whatever it is people do with FB these days. Reason being, you should join the Final Fantasy Brave Exvius ADD ME group on whatever account you link the game to, and by doing so you'll end up adding hundreds of "friends" in order to get access to people with the best friend units. I have almost 800 now, and it would be a real pain in the ass if I actually cared about my FB page.

My ID is 848,715,428 if you're just starting out. My Firion can carry you through any fights you might have trouble with, and I just added some more friend slots. (Edit: Only after you've successfully rolled an account you're going to stick with, that is.)