Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Trakanon Raider
I didn't have a single relic on banner 1. I have 4 or 5 relics on the other banners which is why banner 1 was, clearly, my best. So 6 new relics and I got the ones I wanted most.


Potato del Grande
I haven't even looked at the summerfest banners since I have at least one of each relevent effect, I'm hoping I'll get enough mithril to pull for waifu Celes' BSB2 instead though maybe I should be saving for Cloud's USB?

What I really want are goddam 4* wisdom and spirit motes. Y'Shtola is going to be a crazy good healer with her legend materia.


Trakanon Raider
All things being equal, as if you had zero relics, banner 4 is the consensus best banner. Banner 1 is right behind number 4.

Banner 4 has Vaan's BSB which is stupidly good, Alphinaud's and Fujin's BSB also stupidly good and Relm's BSB which is solid. I'm not familiar with the six stars but I think they're very solid. What I don't like is Cecil's BSB which is very dated by this point. It was a pass for me since I have both SSBs and three BSBs including Alphi, Cecil and Vaan. Easy pass for me because of the dupes.

Banner 1 is just good all around. 2 Healing USBs which are both great (Rosa and Yuna), and not a bad BSB in the bunch (Cid Raines, Quistis, Firion, Garnet, Kuja and Y'Shtola). Y'Shtola's has been offered a lot so it's a dupe for a lot of people but I missed out on it before so was thrilled to finally pull it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Did good on the lucky draws, skipped the first one and got 4 new osbs and firion's bsb in 2 and 3, Relm, Yuna, Steiner, and Celes' osbs.

Very pleased and excited about the new party slots. Should clear more content now as often just the thought of having to swap gear often seemed daunting so I'd fall behind. Now I'll have optimal physical and mage setups for each realm and Cid's missions parties saved.


Trakanon Raider
The ultimate/apocalypse fights this week were mostly an execution check, especially Chadarnook. I have great FF6 synergy, including full native buffs (haste, boost, medica), and even with all that, the cid mission was a real challenge, with my team barely surviving his final ultima (well, 2/5 survived it at least).

I took Celes (Indom Blade), Terra (OSB, BSB), Kefka (Mage Shout), Setzer (no relics), and Relm (Medica), with a Fran BSB (hyperbreak) as the roaming warrior. It was a huge headache to juggle the various elements with his constant barrier changes, but thankfully Terra's old BSB works great to hit most of his weak phases. Exact team:
RW: Fran BSB
{td}Record Materia{/td}
{td}Celes, lvl 99{/td}
{td}Waterga Strike{/td}
{td}Indomitable Blade{/td}
{td}Dr Mog Teach{/td}
{td}Terra, lvl 99{/td}
{td}Chain Poisonga{/td}
{td}BSB, OSB{/td}
{td}Ace Striker{/td}
{td}Kefka, lvl 80{/td}
{td}Mage Shout{/td}
{td}Mako Might{/td}
{td}Setzer, lvl 80{/td}
{td}Magic Breakdown{/td}
{td}+40% Support Dam{/td}
{td}Relm, lvl 80{/td}
{td}Regen Medica{/td}
{td}Battle Forged{/td}

The Apoc+ against Chadarnook took me a few rounds of reloads until I got the hang of the timing, but once you get timing down, it's really not as hard as it seems at first glance. After some practice I was able to bump her back from goddess phase into demon phase almost instantly each time she swapped, so it was mostly just a matter of bursting her down. Celes was a backrow tank for this fight with SSB, Gaia's Cross, and Saint's Cross (for phase swapping), while Terra and Thancred used a bunch of fire magic/ninja magic and BSB/OSB for the burn. Onion and Yshtola did their usual support duties. RW was Wall. Team setup:
RW: Wall
{td}Record Materia{/td}
{td}Saint's Cross{/td}
{td}Gaia's Cross{/td}
{td}Indomitable Blade{/td}
{td}Mako Might{/td}
{td}Ace Striker{/td}
{td}Fire Veil{/td}
{td}Smoldering Flames{/td}
{td}Magic Breakdown{/td}
{td}Dr. Mog Teach{/td}

For Jump Start, only changes I made was to give Celes and Onion an auto-haste RM so they could bump the goddess back into demon phase ASAP at fight start and get haste up. Yshtola swapped her RM to auto-ThunderGod for calling in the wall RW ASAP. Terra/Thancred just swapped to dps RM's. Of course, with 3 soulgauges of imperil and fire OSB's, the jumpstart boss died in like 20 seconds of combat time.

Multiplayer was interesting, and I managed to get into a group that mastered it first go, and I'm glad I stayed. The group leader started the fight with no wall users, and I thought that was a lost cause so I almost left right away, but between Rosa USB, Yuna USB (mine), and Larsa BSB (to avoid stops), we managed to win. There were lots of casualties, but as I expected, Yuna's USB is god-mode for multiplayer fights since it kept bringing back the scrubs that weren't wearing ice resist (which may have been ok if we had wall.... but we didn't).

My kill videos:
Magic Master CM
Chadarnook Apoc+
Chadarnook Jump Start
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Golden Squire
Someone in reddit found a way to beat the FF1 CM using an old school retaliate strategy which worked pretty well, recommend you check it out if you're not sure how to go about doing it - PSA: Try Reta for FF1 CM for those with no synergy. • r/FFRecordKeeper

Jump start was a little irritating the first few rounds since she 1 shots people randomly and confuses/sleeps your whole party if you don't use a holy attack ASAP, but some tweaks and it's quite easy.
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Trakanon Raider
I didn't have any trouble with the Jump Start. I used Celes with Auto Haste to transition her to demon form fast and Terra with Thunder God RM to get wall up right away.

Once I had the mitigation up I just burned her down. Terra SSB into her OSB was hitting near cap. Vivi used his burst for more fire damage. She switched back to goddess form once but knew it was coming so held back and hit her with Celes again. Finished her off from there. Celes with her grand cross SSB was huge. She absorbed a ton of crap.


Potato del Grande
I wanted to kill myself after tryng Retaliate again, got bored before even the first phase change... and I'm someone who used it on every boss until BSBs were released...

I mastered it with Warden's Apocrypha RW (Tyro USB), it gives party haste, a 2000 HP stock and astra status which counters the two brutal aoe stop at phase change. It also gives self quick cast 2, so I put it on Master Monk to get a few free Full Charges.

Sarah and Echo both healed but I actually hardly used them with the 2000 HP stock and had shared SB casts left over, maybe one is enough if you have some DPS to bring.

Wol did Power/Magic Break to compliment Echo's Multi Break.

Warrior of Light had his BSB but it did little damage, mainly he cast Banishing Strike for pathetic damage and Protega. Sarah had Shellga.

Master Monk was the star of the show, lifesiphon in his SSB which gives self quick cast 2, he also cast the RW so he had a lot of free hits.

Another strategy is Celes BSB2 RW, the Runic status can refresh Omega Drive hones for Master Monk who also uses the Monk attack boost spell. Apparently it does 9999x4 but I don't have Omega Drive...
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Trakanon Raider
I didn't even attempt the FF1 CM because I assumed no chance, but if you guys are beating it with minimal relics, I suppose I should give it a shot. I do have Master's BSB, which is pretty good, but that's my only relic at all for the realm. Only 1 energy, so it can't hurt to give it a whirl I guess.


Trakanon Raider
Ok, so the FF1 CM was way easier than I thought it would be. Much thanks to you guys for posting some ideas which convinced me to give it a whirl. I one shot it with zero deaths using Master with his BSB as the only real damage, Echo and Sarah doing double healer, Wol and WoL doing breaks/dispels, with Tyro USB as a RW to avoid the stop and give haste. I had to egg up most of the team to level 75'ish, but I had to do that eventually anyway, so it was worth it.


Trakanon Raider
Our first D300 Torment Jumpstart... freaking hard. I spent a while trying all kinds of setups, but that curaja spam in the final stretch was giving me massive headaches. After a bunch of team tweaks, I managed to master the jump start Bahamut along with the full 3 member cid mission using:

Roaming Warrior: Wall
{td}Record Materia{/td}
{td}Full Charge{/td}
{td}Sky High{/td}
{td}+20% Damage{/td}
{td}Mind Breakdown{/td}
{td}Power Breakdown{/td}
{td}+30% Damage{/td}
{td}+30% Damage{/td}
{td}Mental Breakdown{/td}
{td}+20% Damage{/td}
{td}Instant Blink Medica{/td}
{td}Doublecast White{/td}
Video: Bahamut Jump Start D300 CM

I used Vaan and Onion's soulgauges to dps in phase 1, with Luneth and Alphinaud having to use a single soulbreak to help push the boss to the weak phase. Once he hit weak phase, it was still an uphill battle to outdps his curaja counters, but I managed to get the killing blow probably seconds before the last burst modes wore off. Please tell me there's no more bosses for a long time with that curaja counter mechanic.....

The Crisis CM vs Braska's Final Aeon was hard too, but nothing compared to Bahamut. I cleared that one with Tidus, Rikku, Auron, Wakka, Yuna.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So I finally pulled Onion Knight's gloves. Does he just replace Ramza in the team comp?


<Bronze Donator>
So I finally pulled Onion Knight's gloves. Does he just replace Ramza in the team comp?

that's one of the easiest ways to slot him. do you have all his Motes? he also works pretty well as a straight black mage, command two of his burst does solid black magic damage.
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Potato del Grande
Onion Knight is a bit awkward. If you use him as support you won't be using his BSB commands, so he is equal to Ramza for mixed teams. Physical teams still use Ramza.

Onion Knight as non elemental/physical DPS is good, but that's not replacing Ramza. Their effects do stack but you probably don't want to use two Hastegas.
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Potato del Grande
Our first D300 Torment Jumpstart... freaking hard. I spent a while trying all kinds of setups, but that curaja spam in the final stretch was giving me massive headaches. After a bunch of team tweaks, I managed to master the jump start Bahamut along with the full 3 member cid mission using:

Roaming Warrior: Wall
{td}Record Materia{/td}
{td}Full Charge{/td}
{td}Sky High{/td}
{td}+20% Damage{/td}
{td}Mind Breakdown{/td}
{td}Power Breakdown{/td}
{td}+30% Damage{/td}
{td}+30% Damage{/td}
{td}Mental Breakdown{/td}
{td}+20% Damage{/td}
{td}Instant Blink Medica{/td}
{td}Doublecast White{/td}
Video: Bahamut Jump Start D300 CM

I used Vaan and Onion's soulgauges to dps in phase 1, with Luneth and Alphinaud having to use a single soulbreak to help push the boss to the weak phase. Once he hit weak phase, it was still an uphill battle to outdps his curaja counters, but I managed to get the killing blow probably seconds before the last burst modes wore off. Please tell me there's no more bosses for a long time with that curaja counter mechanic.....

The Crisis CM vs Braska's Final Aeon was hard too, but nothing compared to Bahamut. I cleared that one with Tidus, Rikku, Auron, Wakka, Yuna.

Thanks for this, I have almost the same stuff so I gave it a go. I don't have Vaan BSB so I used Ramza USB instead. I also went with a magic Onion Knight though he had enough physical for a decent power Mind Breakdown.

Luneth BSB / Arc Heal SSB / Onion BSB / Alphiaud BSB / Ramza USB
Tyro Wall RW

I don't think you need to save much for P2 with this since I had an extra stacking boostga but I used Tiamat/Meltdown to delay Alphinaud's BSB uses since he has uncounterable summons for later. Breakdowns roughly did the same as Counter Curaga, maybe a little less, Luneth stopped casting breakdowns in P2.

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Trakanon Raider
Sephiroth is a bastard. I killed him but didn't get Mastery.

I used my Nemesis setup. Two healers, Tyro, Vaan for breakdowns and Alphinaud for Deployment Tactics. RW Edge Last Stand. Basically he kills himself on deployment tactics.

I think I can tweak things for Mastery. I used Eiko over Y'Shtola as my second healer. I was thinking the physical blink would be good but I was too busy spamming the group heal so a bubble and instant big heal would have been better.


Trakanon Raider
Sephiroth is a bastard. I killed him but didn't get Mastery.
Same here for me, I went full turtle mode to win with a very similar setup. Vaan (debuffs), Alphinaud (Radiant Shield), Tyro (Breaks, Wall), with Yshtola (Wall, BSB) and Yuna (USB) for healing. Roaming warrior was Eiko USB for instant heal + haste + last stand to cover the two rapemode transition dispels (first w/ the 70% hp nuke and second w/ triple instant aoe magic nukes). Everyone was in the backrow to help cut damage slightly. Exact lineup:
Roaming: Eiko USB
{td}Record Materia{/td}
{td}Steal Power{/td}
{td}BSB, Piercing Blow{/td}
{td}Ace Striker{/td}
{td}BSB, Deployment Tactics{/td}
{td}Mental Breakdown{/td}
{td}BSB, Wall{/td}
{td}Knight's Charge{/td}
{td}BSB, Wall{/td}
{td}Mako Might{/td}
Video: Sephiroth Mired in Crisis

Even with double healer and basically spamming their USB and BSB's in the last phase, that was ridiculous amounts of incoming damage. I'm not going to stress too much about mastery because it's only some 4* motes, but they would be nice, so if any of you managed to get a mastery clear, post your setup please!


Potato del Grande
Got him to half health first try but couldn't rebuff quickly enough and limped to 40% where the third dispel finished me off.

I can do it, I just need to draw a diagram of the correct SB sequences to rebuff. Like Tyro needs to cast the first wall then Yshtola the second so Tyro can use his BSB for MBlink and shell/Protect rebuff, then Tyro does the third one so Yshtola can bubble...

First 20% didn't actually seem to bad so I wonder if I can delay first wall?


Golden Squire
Wow thought I would breeze past the FF3 Torment FT after 1-shotting the D250 and D200, but it was quite the massacre with his insane overhealing... Final team that was was an odd physical mix that focused on Zidane's Imperil Wind + debuffs to let Lunneth cap damage... But it still went to some lucky crits at the end to push through before wall fell off.

Lunneth - Sky High / Dragoon Jump, BSB
Zidane - Dash Bite / Thief's revenge, BSB
OK - Full Break / Meltdown, BSB
Ingus - Mind Breakdown / Curaja, Shared Shellga SB
Y'shtola - Curada / Ultra Cure, Mainly wall

RW - Eiko BSB for the crit. Helped towards the end for sure.