Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Trakanon Raider
I only have one mutual Luneth (Advance) friend on my list. I only use Advance as a last resort and I think the last time I did use it was against the FF13 Sazh event. I've completed almost everything using traditional tactics. Once you get some good gear and are able to get your hones up to par it's not that bad.

Gear is super important in this game though. Some Soulbreaks are simply broken as to how good they are. Sentinel Grimoire and Lullaby Rod in particular make things easy mode.

The Ancient_sl

I take it all you long time players are past the point where you've started selling upgrade mats. What is everyone's inventory capacity at?


Potato del Grande
I take it all you long time players are past the point where you've started selling upgrade mats. What is everyone's inventory capacity at?
I'm at 200 and very close to upgrading more or selling off 3* shite. Never sold a single 3* or above item since day 1.


Silver Knight of the Realm
200 with nothing below 3* as well. Sitting at 107 stamina, but slacking lately on getting more.


Golden Knight of the Realm
350 inventory space and regularly sell armor upgrade mats. It's decent income at 3000 per 3*. In the future upgrade mats won't be part of the inventory but be infinite like growth eggs so don't upgrade inventory just for the mats.

So I needed to fill FFX synergy as one of my only gaps in my luck train. Pulled the 100 gem then an 11 pull and a 3 pull both for mythril. So 15 pulls total. Got 3 5*, 6 4*, and 6 3*. Got the dagger with tempo flurry shared SB for retaliate, Kimahri's lance which might be good for a few EX fights once we get cloud and tyro's MC2s, and the rune rod for my 6th 5* mage weapon. Some good upgrades out of the 4* gear as well. Pretty damn happy. Still have 50 mythril banked with orb fest and SSB's in the future to look forward to. Now only lacking synergy in the realms we don't get much content for: 1, 2, 3, 5, 14.

The Ancient_sl

I'm tempted to pull on this event even though I'm okay on FFX gear just because I'm getting bored with all these upgrade mats sitting in my inventory.


Trakanon Raider
The only really good Relic from this event is Auron's Katana. Everything else is, at best, only OK. So I'm holding off.

I'm at 60 Mythril and only 120 Inventory slots. I've gotten very lucky with 5* gear so I don't worry about Realm Synergy as much as some people. As such I've sold almost all of my 3* items. I tend to keep my 4* items but I will sell the really trashy ones (a lot of the armor and shields are simply junk to me). I do keep the weapons though. I tend to float around 85 of 120 slots full.

Right now I'm saving my Mythril for the next Cloud event with the Super Soul Break. Getting Cloud's sword or even Tifa's fist would be awesome. Not sure about Barrett. I don't know how useful he is in JPN. But I figure I'll be able to dump 100 to 150 Mythril on the event and then save towards the next Soul Break Celebration in a few months. That's where I've had most of my luck. Of my 7 character specific Soul Break relics, 6 of them have come from a Soul Break Celebration.

I'd say right now the biggest thing for me is transitioning to the Mage Meta. It's not as important in Global as it was in JPN because of Advance tactics but I'm not a big fan of the Retaliate Meta but I'll use it when I absolutely have to. Mage Meta is just MUCH more gear intensive and it requires extremely good honed abilities. We're at the point where the Rank 3 AGA spells just aren't cutting it anymore. But Rank 4 spells are just really hard to hone due to a lack of Greater Orbs. They're extremely rare on the Daily Dungeon and annoying to farm. I spent about 3 days farming Greater Wind Orbs to boost my Valefor from Rank 2 to Rank 3 and that sucked. And don't get me started on the lack of Greater Black Orbs which you need by the truck load.


Potato del Grande
Japan is getting some cool things, all of FF7:AC in event form, FF11 and FF14 dungeons and Laguna!


Blackwing Lair Raider
I keep seeing the terms 100 gem player and 100 gem pull, I've never seen any free 100 gem pulls, but I feel like I'm missing out on something free here.


Golden Knight of the Realm
People use the term because it's enough money you can't really call yourself a free-to-play but not enough that you paid-to-win.


Potato del Grande
Wow. Got my 2nd 5* from the free pull. Got a Raijin's Jacket Light Armor, not bad!

The +++ is fine, just need to S/L the confuse status if you get it. The last FF8 one was FAR worse.


Potato del Grande
What strat did you use Chris?
I do remember you saying that FF8 was fine too.
Oh yeah I've actually beat this one before saying it though unlike last time

I did Retaliate with Advance but I think that SG will be just as viable.
Auron (Self Sacrifice) - Retaliate/Double Cut
Yuna (Double Hit) - Curaja/Shellga
Tidus (Haste) - Boost/Double Cut
Wakka (High Scorer) - Armor Break/Double Cut
Selphie (Haste) - Protega/Tempo Flurry

This is my retaliate team now. Every character can Double Cut and you get Protect AND Shell.

The Ancient_sl

Ok so Advantilate. This fight is not "fine" without that strategy and not even close to fine if you aren't using retaliate meta.


Potato del Grande
Ok so Advantilate. This fight is not "fine" without that strategy and not even close to fine if you aren't using retaliate meta.
Well you need gear, hones or tactics to beat the more difficult bosses. All three are viable for every boss but you need to go for one of them, I just have Fencing Sabre and don't farm orbs so I need to do this.