Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Potato del Grande
Just beat Ultimate Seymour, had to readjust my team and try twice. Here are some tips:
*Take FFX synergy characters, Auron, Yuna, Tidus and Wakka give you everything you need - just add another White Mage.
*Tauntaliate with Auron does a decent chunk of damage and mitigation.
*Take Slowga over Tempo Flurry for slow, Mortiorchis will fuck up your Retaliate targeting the entire fight if you damage it. Don't worry about making space for Dispel, Flare wasn't cast often for me.
*Slow Mortiorchis before you hit 50%, this gives you time to rebuff after the second Ultimate Dispel. You party will wipe otherwise.
*AoE Cure is pretty much mandatory to counter Gravija.

Now I need to decide if I'm pulling for Cloud's Burst Sword, Ramza's Sword or Y'Shtola's Staff with my Mithril stash in March.


Trakanon Raider
Now I need to decide if I'm pulling for Cloud's Burst Sword, Ramza's Sword or Y'Shtola's Staff with my Mithril stash in March.
My opinion all along has been that Cloud's Burst Sword banner isn't very good. Yes the Fusion Sword is amazing. But the rest of the banner isn't all that good if you already have decent VII synergy. Red XIII isn't the best Support (especially if you want to try for Ramza's sword) and Zack, Tifa and Cid are all very generic characters. With that said I'm planning for a single 11x pull on the banner which will still leave me enough for 7 or 8 pulls on SSSB and Tactics (and possibly more depending on how much bonus Mythril we get for the Anniversary and if there are extra Lucky Draws). I figure you can't win if you don't play but I know I won't be getting that Sword.

So my plan is one pull on Cloud's banner (despite my better judgement) and then everything else into the SSSSB Celebration and Tactics. I'd really like to get a good physical SSB or two since Physical parties are becoming much stronger. And obviously Ramza's sword is a grand prize but I'll just load up on RWs if I don't get my own.


Potato del Grande
Thanks for the advice. Think you talked me out of pulling on Cloud's Sword. I think that FFT banner is massively overrated too as 50% attack is nice but the other items are just ok.

Think I'll wait for the Thyrus banner as it's not even the feature of the banner, there'll be a SSB or two on it also. The Japanese banner had some cool items, quite a few being AoE Heals. Our banner should be different though like the last time, but here it is anyway:

Excalibur (Bartz), SSB "True Sword of Legend", 5-hit attack combo and party DEF up; ATK+10 for learning
Wizard Rod (Aeris), SSB "Rhythm of Life", medium party heal and Reraise (automatically revive when killed) on whole party; MND+10 for learning
Peacemaker (Lightning), SSB "Zetsuei", 5-hit lightning-elemental physical attack on all enemies; ATK+10 for learning Lightning Model (Lightning), SB "Senkou", become enveloped in lightning for a period of time
Thyrus (Y'shtola), SB "Stoneraskin", party DEF/RES up
Sage Staff (Lenna), SB "Princess's Protection", party medium heal and large regen
Guard Armor (Rikku), SB "Hi Mega Baor", party ATK and RES up
Wing Edge (Locke), SB "Phoenix's Treasure", fire-elemental physical attack on all enemies and party small heal
Fraternity (Tidus), SB "Spiral Cut", physical attack on all enemies


Trakanon Raider
I have mixed feelings on the Tactics Banner. There are some very good Relics on it. Ramza's Sword and Armor are both really good and Ramza can take a combat role if you already have a good Support character. Agrias makes a really good Knight and her shield is supposed to be pretty great. But on the other hand the banner is so overhyped that the people hyping it annoy the piss out of me. I was never a huge fan of Tactics and just don't get the hype... But anyway, the real problem is that there is no reason to have Tactics Synergy. We won't see another Tactics event for at least another 6 months and it's probably going to be longer than that. So if you don't pull one of the really good items you're left with junk.

I'll probably pull on it but the Celebration looks more appealing to me right now even if we don't know what's going to be on it.

The Ancient_sl

I was never a huge fan of Tactics
That's the main issue I'm sure.

I have mixed feelings for a different reason. I almost always field a full RS character team so even if I do land some amazing gear from Tactics it won't see use outside of 140+ difficulty dungeons. So it's sort of dumb for me to pull on it, but it's Ramza and can I not?


Lord Nagafen Raider
There is definitely a hype component to the Tactics banner. The only reason I'm looking forward to it is the possibility of Hastega. I have wall and medica via Y'Shtola, a few minor group heals from other relics, and protect/shell are normal WHM spells as well as being available on a number of relics. Synergy on the Tactics relics isn't too important as once you master the SB who cares if the weapon is equipped, just equip something with RS.

Ramza himself though is what has me kinda thinking "Meh." All the supports so far except for Quina have ranged options, Ramza seems to only have Instruments for ranged. I don't really like the idea of having another front line character taking increased damage that I have to worry about. Boost is trivial to craft at this point in the game, we had the option for a weeny group atk buff at Christmas, and I got Jecht's sword on the 100 gem pull.

All said, if I don't get some form of hastega before then I will definitely be dropping some mythril on it. I'm betting if I get the sword I'll it'll be a quick "Yay" followed by Ramza being delegated to RW for eternity.


The FFT banner isn't 100% about scream (although thats HUGE and probably the best thing I could add to my team for the foreseeable future). It's that the pool of relics that are all really good verses being duds is really high, and they aren't things we've seen before. The fact that I lucked out and managed to score basically the whole trinity (SS2/boon/Lunatic high) makes it a super easy choice though. Regarding Red, I actually think he's a pretty top tier support currently. He has really good stats compared to everyone else and just got level break to 80, and actually does significant damage with RS weapons. Those are also really easy to score on him (between daggers and fist weapons) compared to say, sazh where getting guns for some realms are a chore.


Trakanon Raider
I've also got the big 3 already so that also has dampened my excitement over Tactics. Pulling Ramza's sword would allow me to streamline my teams a bit but it's a luxury and not a necessity. That's why SSSB Celebration interests me more. My support Relics are great but I've had a hard time getting damage ones (though lately I've gotten a couple). But right now I've got:

Wall: Sentinel Grimoire on Tyro who I use as a Support with Full Break and a Breakdown
Haste: Boon on Sazh who almost never gets used due to being stuck at 65 and his attack is worse than Tyro's since his weapon selection is limited and his low level.
Group Heal: Hymn of the Fayth on Yuna which is fantastic since she just got level broken and Selphie's Stick. Plus a shared group heal from the VII Precious Watch (with enough synergy it's a pretty big heal actually).

So right now I go without Haste and just take it from a RW. I lose too much damage taking both Tyro and Sazh. So if I pulled Ramza's Sword I'd just use him as a Physical Damage person since his stats are really good. But I'd rather pull for characters that I really like (Beatrix's Save the Queen is very high on my want list).

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Apparently the 10mil encounter will have additional encounters released every few days. But the one encounter for 1 stamina to get 1 mithril was the dumbest shit ever.

Right now debating whether or not I even want to put the effort into getting Yuna's t2...


Potato del Grande
Talked it over with my intelligent but never played an rpg girlfriend, she said that fusion sword sounded better than platinum sword and thyrus.

Thing is that since I always have it via RW, Thyrus isn't an upgrade to my team. I'll just get to bring a damage RW x2 or cast it three+ times which means I'm slow and losing mastery anyway.

Platinum Sword isn't a huge upgrade either, it's not that much more % over boost and though it does the whole team that's a strategy I don't have SBs or hones for yet. I have haste already.

Fusion Sword is all upgrade right now. So I'm pulling and getting ~ 70 new items tomorrow. Wish me luck!


Trakanon Raider
Hold off.

You don't need to pull tomorrow. Over on Reddit there's speculation that the SSSB Celebration could come as early as March 8 so that means the Banners could be translated sometime the first week of March. There was a post where someone data mined time stamps without events attached to them on March 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16. Again nothing was attached to those time stamps but that looks, suspiciously, like a Celebration timeline so people think there's a good chance that's when it's going to land. So the speculation is they put the "shell" of the Celebration into the data but are holding off on the actual banners until a bit closer since they don't like that information to get out too soon.

Worst case the banners don't get translated and you pull at the end of the Fusion Sword window but I'd give the Banners a chance to get translated to make a more informed decision.


Trakanon Raider
Ouch. :-(

I did one 11x pull. I got Zack's Gloves and a Precious Watch. I pulled two watches chasing Sephiroth's SSB so I combined to a 7 star. That's all I'm spending on this one. I'm good with the pull even if I didn't get the BSB.


Potato del Grande
7* Zach Glove, Red 13 SSB, Cid Spear, FF7 Dagger and Precious Watch.

Not what I was going for but definatly game changing, so pretty happy.

Ran out of gil dumping Rosetta Stones onto the Glove! Can't wait to see how much attack Zach gets when finished, should be over 500?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Did a three pull and got Cid's spear but never used him... Is he decent for support on an FF7 team?