Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Potato del Grande
Odin down! (Ice Weak version)

* Shelke -- Entrust, Wrath -- (no SB)
* Bartz -- Snowspell r5, Lifesiphon -- USB2, Awakening
* Elarra -- Ode to Victory, Hastega -- USB1
* Laguna -- Icy Offering -- CSB, USB1
* Squall -- Lifesiphon, Dispel -- Glint, Awakening, BSB2

* RW: Fabula Mage
* Magicite: Mateus (main), Manticore, Phoenix, Madeen, Madeen

I stalled for a long time early in the fight while I built up multiple soulgauges on Bartz, Squall, and Laguna (with help from Shelke). Once everything was ready, I did:

* Laguna did CSB into USB1
* Squall did Glint -> Awakening -> BSB2
* Bartz did USB2 -> Awakening

Then it was on. I junctioned with Squall, then he did command2 every round for 14-21 hits of 14k-20k damage while Bartz did 160k-220k or so per turn as well. Fabula Mage was used twice in the final phase along with the finisher attack from both Bartz USB2 and Squall Awakening which gave me enough burst to go the distance. Also, Squall being able to cast dispel is amazing. I laughed at him having white3 access a long time ago. Never again!

Now to figure out four more versions I can beat so I can get those sweet accessories and sell off the other resist gear I've got saved.

Well done! Looks like x2 Awakening is average for Odin clears.

I'm also excited for elemental omni resist, the only thing that gives me doubt is that I think that medium resist with synergy is large resist?

Edit: Did a 3 pull after grinding 3* magicite to get the monthly mission. Not a bad result :D

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Trakanon Raider
Well done! Looks like x2 Awakening is average for Odin clears.

I'm also excited for elemental omni resist, the only thing that gives me doubt is that I think that medium resist with synergy is large resist?

Edit: Did a 3 pull after grinding 3* magicite to get the monthly mission. Not a bad result :D

View attachment 213788
lol that's an epic pull! Bartz is so amazing.

Also, resistance is not boosted by synergy. Even though the accessories glow under realm synergy, it doesn't actually do anything.

Small = 20% resist
Moderate = 40% resist
Major = 60% resist

Once you get 5 copies of Odin accessory you can sell off every moderate and below resistance accessory you have saved (may want to keep those with status resistances though, even though they never work in end-game anymore, you never know for the future). By sell off, I mean convert to rainbow crystals.
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Potato del Grande
lol that's an epic pull! Bartz is so amazing.

Also, resistance is not boosted by synergy. Even though the accessories glow under realm synergy, it doesn't actually do anything.

Small = 20% resist
Moderate = 40% resist
Major = 60% resist

Once you get 5 copies of Odin accessory you can sell off every moderate and below resistance accessory you have saved (may want to keep those with status resistances though, even though they never work in end-game anymore, you never know for the future). By sell off, I mean convert to rainbow crystals.
Great info thanks, I think status resist is the one that works with synergy. I think I read somewhere.

Edit: I tried to check and people are saying synergy adds 10% elemental resist?


Trakanon Raider
Edit: I tried to check and people are saying synergy adds 10% elemental resist?
Uh, I mean, maybe? I've always been under the impression synergy does not add any resistance, but it's certainly possible that I'm misinformed.

If you can find a definitive answer, let me know!


Uncle Tanya
So last night I 100 gemmed Sephiroth's glint. I had most of his other stuff (basically, I ONLY lacked his Arcane SB and small-chance double-cast dark materia) before and he was, like his FF7 self, a real hard hitter with good dark dps but found him to be just a tad lacking due to his lack of double-cast (that I owned at least). Well I bit the bullet, crossed my fingers and hoped for the best using my last 50 mythril on a banner-5 pull and lo and behold~

I got it! Sephy is woke now... and my God, he is OP. I fucking solo'd Mist Dragon with him.

Going to focus on making him the best possible, and I think in conjunction with Seifer's new dark chain I have, I think my phys dark team is going to be a hot knife against buttery content.

I think I'd literally spend RL $ again on this game if there's a way to get his dual cast LM. Getting his glint and woke relics was a complete game changer for me.


Potato del Grande
So last night I 100 gemmed Sephiroth's glint. I had most of his other stuff (basically, I ONLY lacked his Arcane SB and small-chance double-cast dark materia) before and he was, like his FF7 self, a real hard hitter with good dark dps but found him to be just a tad lacking due to his lack of double-cast (that I owned at least). Well I bit the bullet, crossed my fingers and hoped for the best using my last 50 mythril on a banner-5 pull and lo and behold~

I got it! Sephy is woke now... and my God, he is OP. I fucking solo'd Mist Dragon with him.

Going to focus on making him the best possible, and I think in conjunction with Seifer's new dark chain I have, I think my phys dark team is going to be a hot knife against buttery content.

I think I'd literally spend RL $ again on this game if there's a way to get his dual cast LM. Getting his glint and woke relics was a complete game changer for me.
Do you have his USB that has lv9 damage cap break?

I do Awakening then that, then the 6* Dark ability. Does 20-40k per hit on Lakshmi.

I don't have his double cast or glint :(


Uncle Tanya
Do you have his USB that has lv9 damage cap break?

I do Awakening then that, then the 6* Dark ability. Does 20-40k per hit on Lakshmi.

I don't have his double cast or glint :(
Yes :)

I've been solo playing him on the unlimited SB trials last night and today... I almost soloed Barthandalus (sp?). He can solo the rail gun!
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Trakanon Raider
I think I'd literally spend RL $ again on this game if there's a way to get his dual cast LM. Getting his glint and woke relics was a complete game changer for me.
I don't know if that one specifically is in the shop or not, but you can buy most LMR for anima lenses. LMR are tier 2, and cost 3000 lenses. Unless you already spent a bunch, you should have enough (assuming you're caught up on record dungeons). If you're short, go clear some record dungeons!


Uncle Tanya
I don't know if that one specifically is in the shop or not, but you can buy most LMR for anima lenses. LMR are tier 2, and cost 3000 lenses. Unless you already spent a bunch, you should have enough (assuming you're caught up on record dungeons). If you're short, go clear some record dungeons!
Nah it's not in there :(


<WoW Guild Officer>
Picked this up about a week ago and it’s definitely scratching the final fantasy itch. I’ve only done the realm dungeons so far is there anything spell wise I should be focusing on? Also I got a few 6 star relics from a free pull so I guess just focus on unlocking and leveling those heroes? As to relic buying any advice?


Trakanon Raider
Hastega (5* white) should be one of the first you craft (but don't bother honing it past rank 1 yet).
Protectga and Shellga are important for early game.

As a new player, any relic is better than no relic, but there are definitely duds out there for characters that aren't worth investing in, even for a newer player. I'd have to log in to see what banners are currently open to say whether or not any are worth pulling on. Will update later unless someone else responds first :)

Edit: Actually, the realm relic draws are probably your best value. It's 15 mithril for a full draw, one per realm (only the first per realm is 15mith, don't repeat them). I'd suggest those for now.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Nice thanks! I haven’t crafted anything yet so I’ll save for those. Umm from the free stuff I pulled a 6star gluttony sword lightbringer for Paladin Cecil and nirvana for alma. Are glints any different? Last thing I have is the Winchester for Vincent then a bunch of 5stsrs.


<Bronze Donator>
Protectga and Shellga are important for early game.

and when he says "early game" he means 95% of the content available to you haha.

definitely don't be afraid to ask for advice Nite1 Nite1 we're always pretty excited to help out some fresh blood
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<Bronze Donator>
but yeah i guess i should type up at least a bit more than that

Nite1 Nite1

that first 95% of the game i mentioned, largely the best thing you can do is put together what used to be known as a "Holy Trinity" team and just go to town -- the Holy Trinity being a combination of

1. Boostga/Faithga Soul Break (generic terms the Reddit community has given to +ATK/+MAG Soul Breaks ((oh yeah and speaking of Reddit the one for this game is insanely good and loaded with information, find the FAQ .PDF! SBs that give party haste used to be included here before Hastega existed as an ability
2. Mitigation (Protectga+Shellga+"Wall" (Wall = SB with combination +DEF&RES see: Equipment_Rarity 6_Divine Veil Grimoire currently known as "Godwall" because it combines all three of these PLUS Hastega!))
3. Group Heal Soul Break (preferably an instant cast USB heal)

for most of the content you'll be doing, tho, the Roaming Warrior (RW) system can easily replace one or two of these. "Godwall"/Divine Veil Grimoire that i mentioned is one of the best RWs since it saves so many "slots" here. also really good is Hyper Mighty G, Rikku's USB which switches the +DEF/RES "Wall" portion of Godwall fora combination +ATK&MAG.

also super important in this portion of the game are abilities and soul breaks that debuff the enemy. first are the 3* "Break" abilities in the Combat school, then the 4* "Breakdown" abilities in the Support school. finally there is the 5* Support ability Full Break which is like all the 4* Breaks glued together AND also stacks with them, meaning you get benefit from using both still.

then of course you need abilities and soul breaks that just straight up do damage, but that portion of the game is a lot easier to figure out. basically whoever you get a good Ultra or Awakening Soul Break for, focus on abilities that they can use. the Soul Breaks you have available to you almost completely dictate what damage abilities you should be creating, it is hard to give generic advice here as it is with the other abilities. you should bring Full Break and either Power Breakdown or Magic Breakdown to every fight (Power or Magic depending on what types of attacks the boss uses mainly), if not BOTH Power and Magic.

so yeah, your first goal should be getting one set of 5 characters to level 99, broken down roughly like:

Damage dealer
Damage dealer
Damage dealer

depending on the Soul Breaks you get you may end up running a character that is more of a combination Damage+Support for some of your damage slots.

your next goal alongside getting a group to level 99 is to put together the abilities needed to beat the Nightmare dungeons reddit: the front page of the internet you used to be able to beat these well before level 99, but they do require specific abilities to be able to do, so i'm unsure how quickly you can get to them starting fresh today.

unlock those and you can start doing Magicite dungeons. Support abilities don't work in the first two difficulties of Magicite dungeons, which is why some people will tell you that Support abilities don't matter much anymore. they absolutely do still matter for you, and will for the majority of the content you have available to you, i'm not sure why so many veterans give this particular bit of advice to newbies. Support abilities even start working again at the 5* difficulty level, meaning there's a total of 14 bosses where you don't want to bring Support.

i think that's the general outline for how you'll spend your first few months at least. crack away at Realm dungeons, level up, make abilities, and ask us which banners are good to pull on! :) tho if you want to spend your mythril on your favorite characters / games instead do it, i'm always a proponent of fanboy pulls.
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Uncle Tanya
A new FFRK player! I wanna live vicariously through your posts :p

Pharma's post is solid, but don't listen to the fanboy pulls! Haha... y'know as a new player though, you need as many relics as you can get so almost every pull is "worth it" but yeah... you'll definitely want to spend a good amount of that mythril you're collecting out the wazoo in the realm dungeons on almost any fresh banner but once you get a solid bunch of relics and can start tackling most content, saving mythril for fest banners will be the best bang for your buck. Don't quote me but I think the next fest will be in the fall around Thanksgiving. If you bring ~350 mythril into the next fest, you're going to be very pleased with the outcomes.

I would absolutely LOVE to start over on the game while still maintaining my main account and the absolutely exorbitant amount of time (and a few hundred smackaroos) I've put into it. I think I'd just find a fresh start appealing at this point in the game... but... I don't know how to run 2 apps on my phone (this is the one and only game I play on my phone and not my consoles or comp).

I've run a mobile emu on my comp but it's... annoying at best, a snail's pace nightmare at worst (idk why).


Golden Knight of the Realm
Needing some help breaking into 5* magicite. Can clear all the 4* pretty handily and almost all under 30 seconds. I'm following the 5* magicite guide on reddit, starting with lightning magicites and planning on clearing around the board. Physical makes the most sense as my teams are better there so starting with Quetzacoatl. I don't have an earth chain but it doesn't seem required at all, especially with magia and waters that I don't think were around on the 5* launch.

So my main problem is surviving the first few turns. I know I have the DPS for it but there must be something minor I'm missing. The biggest flaw is my resistance gear. I have good accessories for lightning and wind resist, minor lightning resist equippable on all armor slots, but nothing for wind resistance on armor. I've tried going full minor lightning on the armor and wind on the accessories, as well as full lightning on both and both had similar wipes in the first few turns.

So for my magicite, I'm following the guide's recommendation and everything's maxed out.

Main: Earth Guardian inherited lightning resist
Sub: Catastrophe inherited precise strikes
Sub: Catastrophe inherited precise strikes
Sub: Seraph inherited spell ward
Sub: Evrae inherited spell ward

Recently came back to the game so not sure on the numbering of my breaks but current team is:

Heals: Elarra: USB heal, R4 Curada, R4 Hastega, white doublecast LM, white heal increase LM, 2 soul gauge RM, maxed crystal water, full dive, 308 magia (100 mnd, 500 hp, mix of def/res)

Support: Onion Knight: pUSB, R4 Shifting Sands, R4 Desert Mirage, no delay 2 turns LM, 2 soul gauge RM, maxed crystal water, full dive, 215 magia (100 atk, 500 hp)

DPS/Enrage: Bartz: Awakening/Glint, R5 Blastspell Strike, R3 Tremoring Quadstrike, triple cast spellblade LM, small spellblade dmg LM, earth dmg RM, maxed crystal water, full dive, 441 magia (100 atk, 500 hp, 10% earth damage)

DPS/Enrage: Gladiolus: USB w/ en-earth and break damage cap on end/earth OSB, R4 Grand Charge, R5 Stone Press, en-earth LM, +weakness RM, max HP crystal water, dove to first hp increase, 111 magia (100 atk, some HP)

DPS/Radiant Shield: Earth dmg radiant shield BSB, R5 earth sabre, R3 shellga, no LM, ace striker RM, no crystal water, dove to first HP node, 110 magia (100 atk, some HP)

Other MVPs I could sub in:

Tyro: Godwall/entrust bot or earth dmg
Shelke: Full dive entrust bot
Machina: USB w/ 2x pBlink en-earth and spellblade chase, earth OSB, no LM/dive/water/magia
Cinque: USB w/ en-earth, heavy+, and heavy charge rank+, no LM/dive/water/magia

As long as I can live, I'll win. Most of the guides I've seen online just use shellga and Elarra USB for defense with raider RW but I've tried subbing in Tyro's godwall for Gladiolus just to try and live and got the same results. Just blasted in the first few turns. I do have several different mBlink and pBlink SB options but not sure how much they'd help.

Any feedback is appreciated!


<Bronze Donator>
I would absolutely LOVE to start over on the game while still maintaining my main account and the absolutely exorbitant amount of time (and a few hundred smackaroos) I've put into it. I think I'd just find a fresh start appealing at this point in the game... but... I don't know how to run 2 apps on my phone (this is the one and only game I play on my phone and not my consoles or comp).

There are numerous free apps for Android that allow you to run two accounts for one game. They do so by spoofing a different Google account when they load an app. It's easy to run stuff. One program I used is Parallel Spaces. Not sure of it's the best but it's a starting point for ya to look into it. :)

I've started alt accounts a couple times now. I'm not "done" with my main account (have numerous 5* Magicites and D??? Torments to do, etc.), tho, and so each time I've started an alt account its just ended up after awhile reinvigorating my interest in my main account, and the alt account gets abandoned. It's definitely fun for awhile, tho, especially if you start the alt during a fest.


<Bronze Donator>
So my main problem is surviving the first few turns. I know I have the DPS for it but there must be something minor I'm missing. The biggest flaw is my resistance gear. I have good accessories for lightning and wind resist, minor lightning resist equippable on all armor slots, but nothing for wind resistance on armor. I've tried going full minor lightning on the armor and wind on the accessories, as well as full lightning on both and both had similar wipes in the first few turns.

can't stack element resists of the same element in armor and accessory slots. i.e. your moderate lightning resist accessory is good enough, equipping a minor lightning resist armor on top won't change anything.

you're bringing Fabula Raider over Fabula Guardian? that's the obvious first thing you should try changing in your current setup. you've got Onion pUSB and a bunch of +ATK on your DPS's USBs, you need the Defense more than you need more ATK.

i think on my run i had to give Elarra Mako Might to survive the beginning, and had Tyro w/ God Wall using Wrath+Entrust and Entrusting to her a couple times through the fight. or maybe i used the heal RW to cover the first few group heals? can't really remember.
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Potato del Grande
Needing some help breaking into 5* magicite. Can clear all the 4* pretty handily and almost all under 30 seconds. I'm following the 5* magicite guide on reddit, starting with lightning magicites and planning on clearing around the board. Physical makes the most sense as my teams are better there so starting with Quetzacoatl. I don't have an earth chain but it doesn't seem required at all, especially with magia and waters that I don't think were around on the 5* launch.

So my main problem is surviving the first few turns. I know I have the DPS for it but there must be something minor I'm missing. The biggest flaw is my resistance gear. I have good accessories for lightning and wind resist, minor lightning resist equippable on all armor slots, but nothing for wind resistance on armor. I've tried going full minor lightning on the armor and wind on the accessories, as well as full lightning on both and both had similar wipes in the first few turns.

So for my magicite, I'm following the guide's recommendation and everything's maxed out.

Main: Earth Guardian inherited lightning resist
Sub: Catastrophe inherited precise strikes
Sub: Catastrophe inherited precise strikes
Sub: Seraph inherited spell ward
Sub: Evrae inherited spell ward

Recently came back to the game so not sure on the numbering of my breaks but current team is:

Heals: Elarra: USB heal, R4 Curada, R4 Hastega, white doublecast LM, white heal increase LM, 2 soul gauge RM, maxed crystal water, full dive, 308 magia (100 mnd, 500 hp, mix of def/res)

Support: Onion Knight: pUSB, R4 Shifting Sands, R4 Desert Mirage, no delay 2 turns LM, 2 soul gauge RM, maxed crystal water, full dive, 215 magia (100 atk, 500 hp)

DPS/Enrage: Bartz: Awakening/Glint, R5 Blastspell Strike, R3 Tremoring Quadstrike, triple cast spellblade LM, small spellblade dmg LM, earth dmg RM, maxed crystal water, full dive, 441 magia (100 atk, 500 hp, 10% earth damage)

DPS/Enrage: Gladiolus: USB w/ en-earth and break damage cap on end/earth OSB, R4 Grand Charge, R5 Stone Press, en-earth LM, +weakness RM, max HP crystal water, dove to first hp increase, 111 magia (100 atk, some HP)

DPS/Radiant Shield: Earth dmg radiant shield BSB, R5 earth sabre, R3 shellga, no LM, ace striker RM, no crystal water, dove to first HP node, 110 magia (100 atk, some HP)

Other MVPs I could sub in:

Tyro: Godwall/entrust bot or earth dmg
Shelke: Full dive entrust bot
Machina: USB w/ 2x pBlink en-earth and spellblade chase, earth OSB, no LM/dive/water/magia
Cinque: USB w/ en-earth, heavy+, and heavy charge rank+, no LM/dive/water/magia

As long as I can live, I'll win. Most of the guides I've seen online just use shellga and Elarra USB for defense with raider RW but I've tried subbing in Tyro's godwall for Gladiolus just to try and live and got the same results. Just blasted in the first few turns. I do have several different mBlink and pBlink SB options but not sure how much they'd help.

Any feedback is appreciated!
For Physical Lightning my defence package is Tyro with Godwall and Rosa USB1 (Instant Heal and Magic Blink). The other three are damage dealers only. Rosa had battleforged/ace striker RM and Wrath for more SB gauge.

Ellara USB is an amazing item but not suited for every magicite, some inflict sap which cancels out the regen. I can't remember the battle but if I was using Rosa then I was probably using Magic Blink to avoid a big magic attack, I often use it to avoid attacks which remove haste, imperil or inflict a status.

Each magicite is broken down into:
1) Bare minimum mitigation and healing needed to survive at the start.

Some battles you can skip protect or shell but there's usually one or two attacks you need them for, look at the AI on reddit. Armor stats and resists are usually not important but look into them if your characters need a little more survivability. You do need medium resist accessories on everyone and resist magicite, once you beat Phoenix bring health boon. Some battles you can start with battleforged/ace striker on your healer instead of dr.mogs/makomight, which means more healing later in the fight.

2) How you deal with the gimmick of the battle.

Bosses can remove haste or buff/debuff or imperil you. This is where alternate healers can help, last stand healers are VERY important and will sometimes be required. Healers with physical/magic/status blink can cheese the gimmicks of some fights. I use Rosa USB1 for magic blink, Larsa BSB for status blink, Aeris USB2 for last stand. Edge SSB has physical blink, last stand and haste and is used on several fights.

3) How you break enrage.

The correct 5* Magicite will break most enrages if you have either a chain active or 6 sacks of imperil. Obviously you don't have any, but Behemoth King is designed around you NOT breaking imperil since it increases damage done to him and Quetzocotyl is designed around you using the Stone Press ability. Seems like you know this! On some bosses 5* Magicite isn't enough as they have higher defences or enrage more often. You can use OSBs, Brave USBs or Awakenings instead. These all require setup though.

Every Magicite I beat I had either a chain or 6 sacks of imperil. I don't know if you know but bringing the "wrong" chain is worth it, for example I use Shanttotto on the Physical Water boss. That's the weakest version of the lightning chain on a character who can't damage the boss but I wouldn't be able to kill the boss without it.

I haven't used Awakenings on any 5* Magicite other than the holy physical boss, so I don't know how much powercreep they are in terms of breaking enrage. They won't automatically do more than 9999 so the needing a chain or max imperil rule may still be in play. Two Arcane Overstikes will cheese the last phase of each boss but it's still rare to have two in an element, one is helpful though obviously.

Don't rely on Crystal Water or Magia as powercreep, Crystal Water I needed for most bosses (it's actually been out a while) and Magia I needed for the second half of the bosses.
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