Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Potato del Grande
For DPS dump them in Attack/Magic then their element.

For Healers dump them in HP then Mind.
By the way you can reset magia on a character once a week so get rid of the Magic Def.

Defences are not important anymore, high end bosses will have piercing attacks which ignore defence and tend to only have 1-2 non piercing attacks to keep you honest with Protect/Shell.

HP above 9999 is important (including magicite HP boost from Pheonix which isn't shown outside of battle) as is Last Stand for staying alive. Most Healers with an Awakening/Sync can pretty much full heal the party every turn.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Speaking of Magia, I discovered a way to overnight-farm it: With my current party I can autobattle the first Gaffgarion fight in Dream, which gets me 25k exp every time and costs 1 stamina. Set this to autorun and leave it and come back to lots of Magia points. Left it on for 6 hours and it didn't run into any snags. However you run out of stamina eventually if you win the fight in under 3 minutes. That said, with battle speed set to 1 to try and offset this, I only lost about 30 stamina in 6 hours. So really, with full stamina you could set this on a higher speed (I'll try 3) and still let it run all day and night before it has to recharge.

I had 999 stamina yesterday from catching up on Realm stuff, and used it to farm the Holy Orb daily (since I'm super deficient on those) down to like 50 sta, then farmed Gaffgarion. This auto-run thing is great.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Just used my last 400 mythril on the latest relic draw with the super-weapons for Orlandu and Sephiroth, probably my two favorite characters. Unfortunately Seph has been out of action for a bit because I don't have any upper-tier equipment for him.

In any case, 400 mythril later... I didn't get either of their weapons. I did get a bunch of the book for Tyro, and like 6 boomerangs for Rinoa and Yuffie who I don't use. That was like $240 worth of draws and nada for the two chase items I wanted.



Potato del Grande
Just used my last 400 mythril on the latest relic draw with the super-weapons for Orlandu and Sephiroth, probably my two favorite characters. Unfortunately Seph has been out of action for a bit because I don't have any upper-tier equipment for him.

In any case, 400 mythril later... I didn't get either of their weapons. I did get a bunch of the book for Tyro, and like 6 boomerangs for Rinoa and Yuffie who I don't use. That was like $240 worth of draws and nada for the two chase items I wanted.

That's why you spread out draws and don't chase single items.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
That's why you spread out draws and don't chase single items.

A much better idea, but I can't help being a total whale for my favorite few characters like Orlandu. Ah well.

I've still got Record mode to play through. Looks interesting, and should at least get a lot of my mythril back.


Uncle Tanya
Hey guys :)

I still haven't beaten a single 6* magi... not a one, nor a single Odin.

Part of it is not even taking the time to attempt to wracking my brain to figure out the mechanics of a lot of these. Even with two healers, I'm dead before I make a significant dent in them and the rage levels are a biotch to manage, to be blunt. Afaik, while the bosses have very patterned attacks and phases, it's just NOT fun doing it like that. Every RPG I've played, enjoyed and beaten, has been an issue of just leveling up in new areas, getting money for better items or doing dungeon crawls for better gear, and muscling through the bosses with ample healing, power moves etc. FFRK is different. I'm capped and have been capped for years. The advancement isn't significant enough with other means. I get that a game like this, similar to EQ, cannot sustain fast power-creep over time and make it enjoyable for others... any pay to play game is like this and I'm F2P so power advancement is snail's pace and I'm okay with that. It just seems that the highest tier bosses in FFRK are made for whales only or people who really REALLY put a lot of effort into the battles. It'll never be a game like that for me.

Not ranting at all, it's fun for what it is and for a free player, I have an impressive amount of relics, that's for sure, but hey... just means I'll always be floating right under the top tier of play that's available, and really... it just makes sense why; I get it and accept it :)

It'd be really great if the game had more multiplayer content but it still is, and probably always will be, my favorite little phone app gem to continue to play <3


Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
What have folks been using their feast coins on? Also is there a good list of abilities I should have/how much they should be honed just for general use?


Potato del Grande
What have folks been using their feast coins on? Also is there a good list of abilities I should have/how much they should be honed just for general use?
Characters are useless at endgame if they don't have a Sync, Awakening or Chain Soul Break.

Buy/hone abilities for characters which have those. Most will have x2 6* abilities they should be using. The 6* imperil abilities are important for some battles.

Don't get the special character only abilities (eg Braver for Cloud) unless you have their full kit, since Record Sapphires are hard to get.
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Uncle Tanya
You guys getting lucky with the black friday tix? I don't think they've ever given us TEN pulls for an event... 6 or 8 iirc in the past.


Potato del Grande
You guys getting lucky with the black friday tix? I don't think they've ever given us TEN pulls for an event... 6 or 8 iirc in the past.
Got Paladin Cecil Sync so I should be able to kill Diabolos now since I have Beatrix Sync too. Got it to ~30% just need to learn to manage the phasing better.
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Uncle Tanya
Got Paladin Cecil Sync so I should be able to kill Diabolos now since I have Beatrix Sync too. Got it to ~30% just need to learn to manage the phasing better.
LoL I shit you not, that's the sync I got too! Also got Elarras sync and 2 v2 chains. Also, every pull so far I was averaging 2 6* and 1 5* ... and was thinking wow, I'm either super lucky on this fest or they are beefing up the drops so I thought I'd ask y'all.


Potato del Grande
LoL I shit you not, that's the sync I got too! Also got Elarras sync and 2 v2 chains. Also, every pull so far I was averaging 2 6* and 1 5* ... and was thinking wow, I'm either super lucky on this fest or they are beefing up the drops so I thought I'd ask y'all.
Yeah I'm getting an improbable anount of Disco balls, like 3-4 on some pulls.

It's good because I'm spending less time on this as I can't be arsed to learn these endgame boss mechanics anymore.


Blackwing Lair Raider
These pulls are guaranteed to have at least 3 5*. They have given us an 100x pull a few times in the past, so not the first time.


Uncle Tanya
They have given us an 100x pull a few times in the past

I have a good memory... most I remember is 40x for the 4th anni... never more than that UNLESS we got 2x 40x with some addition free tix on the side but that's *still* 80 balls and not like this which is (going by your words) guaranteed 3 on 10 chance 10x pulls which is 30 relics guaranteed for this current draw now. That's huge bros.

I'll humbly apologize if you can provide the link to this 100x pull :) I say that never happened.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Meh, could have sworn we've gotten a 100x pull once or twice, but now you're making me second guess it. But yeah, the guarantee of the 3x each pull makes this even bigger for sure.

Overall I'd say I didn't make out too good though. Just a Rikku sync and 1 or 2 solid 6* glints.


Uncle Tanya
Overall I'd say I didn't make out too good though. Just a Rikku sync and 1 or 2 solid 6* glints.
Big bummer... I'm sorry!

Are magicite shards (those red ones that make the new effect magicites) completely worthless guys?

I experimented and I'm failing to see a single decent utility with them (I mean, for non-newbies).


Potato del Grande
This is actually quite good at the moment though the difficulty curve is low (at Lv10).

Buying things isn't rammed down your throat and you get some "cash" for clearing the story, which is going to be never fucking ending with millions of future patches if it's ALL OF FF1-14. Seems like you just use the "cash" to roll for godlike items.

I need a gamefaq with a list of characters and base stats so I can plan my party :/
Made this post on page one, 5 and a half years ago just before I met my now wife.

I'm done. Uninstalled.

People have cleared Alexander, Diabolos and White Odin with items worse than I have but I just can't spend the hours learning the precise move pattern.

Meanwhile I can play fucking League of Legends and EVE on my phone at home and gives me instant turn based play on the go. I just don't have a place for this anymore :(
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Trakanon Raider
The bullshittery of FFRK endgame burnt me out on the game months back, but I still browse this thread since I enjoyed the game for a few years.

Always seemed like Chris was the most die-hard fan around here for the game, and seeing even him getting fed up with the endgame is sort of a shock.

Yeah though, completely understand where you're coming from. I've been sort of lingering and waiting for the wait mode to make it's way to Global to give it one final chance, but from everything I read, the wait mode is a complete trainwreck anyway.

At least this game was epic once upon a time!
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Molten Core Raider
I almost went back to E7 as me and the wife really enjoyed it but resisted my urges as gacha's just fucking take so much time up and with some bad luck can get pretty fucking expensive when you really "want" a character and like to try and compete at the high end of pvp etc. Building a $650k house and figured hmm get a custom closet or go back to hindsight I probably should have went back to E7 haha....but hoping Ashes of Creation comes out here in a year and finally delivers that all in, long term solution for the next 4-5 years of my life that lets me play something casually with the wife and still sink some hardcore time into it on my own. Wish Gacha's introduced more of a sub model that gave you X amount of rolls and then capped so worst case scenario you drop 40-50 bucks if you have real bad luck and want someone. Just seems like if you can get mass appeal you don't need whales vs. a larger player base that stays for longer and incrementally spends cash. E7 wasn't bad but just abit still to heavily weighted on what it could cost you if you really wanted to chase.

FFRK was one of my first gacha's I ever played (didn't even know what a gacha was), had just been promoted and was pulling in 6 figures so thought why not spend a few bucks....deleted that fucking thing about $3k in and said never again.....until FFBE which i had the most insane luck ever across about 6 months pulling shit on the first pull over and over and over....until I didn't.....guess i'm getting old that it finally seems smarter to get a toilet seat that warms your ass then waste big bucks on games when you can play a MMO or MOBA for a year with spending peantures. #growth ?!?!?