Well, FF7 was released to the PlayStation in January of '97. I was still playing Sierra's "The Realm" at that time. And yeah, EQ came out in March of '99, so that really was an amazing time to be in and/or just graduated from High School. I remember being a Telemarketer with TruGreen Chemlawn. I drove over to Best Buy right after school was over to pick EverQuest before headed into work for the afternoon.
Ok, this suddenly changed to not being about Final Fantasy at all, but whatever. You get the idea. Late 90's into early/mid 2000's were the best age to be a High School student then a worthless incel that didn't go to College. Such great memories... of video games. I don't really remember much of "real life" during that time, except going through a stage where I hated women after breaking up with a girlfriend that wanted to change me as well as monopolize all of my time. Then not finding something else to fuck almost instantly. Oh well, at least I got over that one by mid 20's. Oh, I do remember going to a few Fan Faire's. EverQuest to the rescue!