No but you should be able to finish it on normal mode. Look up some guides, especially on how to use Tifa.I just beat Airbuster but it was brutal and Tifa the bae died.
My overall strategy is lacking in this I think. I get waxed when I stick to one character but when I switch characters often it just feels like a complete clusterfuck. Plus I feel I heal more than I fight and that's after blocking a bunch. I'm not a fan of these type of battle systems, straight up. I think I'd get much more joy from this game without having a stroke every boss fight.
If I start over on easy setting, is there any difference in what I can experience on easy versus hard as far as story-line & content?
Pretty sure nothing changes. The main thing to do with the game is make sure you’re using the right elemental attacks/magic. Honestly I thought that was annoying as fuck because you only knew their weakness once you fought them so if you don’t have that equipped then lol fu. It wasn’t that bad late game when you had enough slots that everyone had everything covered but early and mid game it was really annoying. Some fights were so slow it would be faster to load your game back up, equip the right shit and start the fight again.I just beat Airbuster but it was brutal and Tifa the bae died.
My overall strategy is lacking in this I think. I get waxed when I stick to one character but when I switch characters often it just feels like a complete clusterfuck. Plus I feel I heal more than I fight and that's after blocking a bunch. I'm not a fan of these type of battle systems, straight up. I think I'd get much more joy from this game without having a stroke every boss fight.
If I start over on easy setting, is there any difference in what I can experience on easy versus hard as far as story-line & content?
They should have just made it so you can swap materia during battle. I know it sounds cheesy but the design of needing specific materia for certain battles is shitty and they should have compensated for that. Save scumming or looking up battles ahead of time is worse than being able to change in battle IMO. Would have made the combat much better/less annoying.If you try to brute force it you're going to have a bad time, that was how I originally went through it because trying to prep the right materia before hand or save-scumming it wasn't appealing. Gets better later on when you can basically equip fire/ice/light on one person and then just swap to them to stagger, swap back to whomever else to blow it up.
Thanks guys. The battle system is the exact reason I haven't touched it in months and months. Shoot, I bought it on day 1 release... got the deluxe edition too.
I can't lie... I used to chide my older brother for always selecting the "easy" setting on games. I don't think I can blame my lack of skill on age... it's just something about that battle system that I cannot feel "good" at. At all. I used to dominate FF games... had a huge item stock throughout the game of ethers, hi-potions, elixirs etc as I got them. Not this time... I feel underequipped always too because I use so many resources just to try to friggin stay alive.
Amazing... I mean AMAZING game; it's just oil and water with me and the battle system.
Fucking ffxv combat was fun for like ten hours then it was just god damned boring. Got so tired of warping all over the place. And anywhere with camera issues like a dungeon. FUUUUU. Losing a battle multiple times due to the gd camera made me quit in disgust.I sorta felt this way about FF15's battle system, it just did not jive with me at all. First FF ever that bored me. At least it looked INCREDIBLE (and was the first game I played on an OLED with HDR).
FF7R I got into more than FF15 once I figured it out. It's all about staggering.
I was one of the 10 people who really loved the FF13 games so that prepared me for FF7R.
If all else fails you can change it to Easy at any time and just do the rest, no need to start over.
Also, the worst magic system in the history of videogames.Fucking ffxv combat was fun for like ten hours then it was just god damned boring. Got so tired of warping all over the place. And anywhere with camera issues like a dungeon. FUUUUU. Losing a battle multiple times due to the gd camera made me quit in disgust.
XV or VIII?Also, the worst magic system in the history of videogames.
XV hands down, due to there being friendly fire on top of all the other garbage aspects of the system. (I know there's an accessory, but it was mostly broken when I played the game, and even if that bug is fixed having to lose an item slot to counter a retarded mechanic is still terrible.)XV or VIII?
XV didn't have a finished magic system, they had to put one together for Comrades which was better but highlighted how the base game was only partially done and why you had to warp warp warp all the god damn time.
I don't mind VII Remake's magic but it felt too forced with the Hard mode disallowing items and having to manage MP without Ethers.
The only thing I remember from FFXV is going into a mine at like level 5 and standing afk on some boxes so I couldn't get hit with my auto attack on to kill a level 50+ samurai guy. I assume it took hours.