It's Square-Enix, so there is no denying that this is an agenda at work. It's not like it's some big secret, they have come right out and said it.Incels have gotten that bad eh? No shit she isn't busty as a tween or kid in the flashbacks.
Incels have gotten that bad eh? No shit she isn't busty as a tween or kid in the flashbacks.
Isn't that the whole game though? I only quickly checked a stream but the game looked like ass everywhere. Like you'd expect from a PSP or Vita port or whatever the original was, it's just not a good looking game, so Tifa's body looking bad isn't really different than everything else also looking bad.It's Square-Enix, so there is no denying that this is an agenda at work. It's not like it's some big secret, they have come right out and said it.
And even if you aren't aware of S-E's woke infestation, I don't know how anyone can look the one on the right and not see a low-poly, poorly textured and lit model by 2022 standards.
Isn't that the whole game though? I only quickly checked a stream but the game looked like ass everywhere. Like you'd expect from a PSP or Vita port or whatever the original was, it's just not a good looking game, so Tifa's body looking bad isn't really different than everything else also looking bad.
I don't know if it's woke infestation, sounds more like mainstreaming the design, huge boobs look like you made your game for a weeb audience, bonus points if you add unrealistic jiggly gello physics to them kind of stuff, giving her smaller breasts(which are still not small either) makes the design more "adult". Obviously big boobs exist in real life so it's not unrealistic or whatever, it's just if you're making up a character, you don't really need to give them these kind of traits unless it's gonna be a character trait(seductress type of characters, which Tifa isn't). Then again they should have bulked up Cloud some for the same reasons, his scrawny ass arms can't carry that sword in any realistic way.
I don't know, I was like 13-14 when FF7 came out and sure I liked the big triangle bazonkas on Tifa back then, but I also really like how she looks in 7R and I don't mind that she doesn't have massive jugs anymore, so I have a hard time understanding how people make all these videos about this issue like it's important. This is so far down the list of issues 7R has.
I was watching streams but it's possible they were Switch streams, although not that likely. It didn't look horrible, but it certainly didn't look like a modern FF, pretty sure it looks worse than FF13 even. Basically like a medium budget game which is kinda what it is. Like if you check any cutscene, the characters are just not very detailed/look meh so Tifa costume looking like shit is very in-line with the rest of the game's content.Yeah, it's massively (NPI) unimportant. I don't even know why I posted that video except that it had a really hot thumbnail. I don't care what her boobs look like in one scene and I don't really think it's an agenda so much as just "that's how it looks"
I don't think FF7 Presents: FF7 Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion looks bad though. Maybe you saw screenshots from the 720p Switch version. I've seen it in action on PC and PS5 and it looks really nice, especially the framerate which might be the smoothest I've ever seen in a console game.
Switch is my favorite system because of its portability, but man it sucks as a home TV system. 720p is basically retro at this point.
it does look like assI was watching streams but it's possible they were Switch streams, although not that likely. It didn't look horrible, but it certainly didn't look like a modern FF, pretty sure it looks worse than FF13 even. Basically like a medium budget game which is kinda what it is. Like if you check any cutscene, the characters are just not very detailed/look meh so Tifa costume looking like shit is very in-line with the rest of the game's content.
Yeah, I didn't really follow the game too closely and was expecting FF7R quality but it looks like they reused a lot more than just cutscenes from the PSP version. By the look of it I should have just got the Switch version from Gamefly instead of PS5. Saw a Switch review the other day and it runs stable 30 fps with really fast load times.It does look like ass
the 3d models looks like dreamcast, lulzz
no way, hope is the worstZack is the worst Final Fantasy character. Change my mind.
He was only ever good as a dead backstory character.
Snow, Hope and Lightning from FF13 would be close 2nd-4th places.
Thing is though, you can avoid Hope by not playing FF13 and you lose way, hope is the worst
Zack is the worst Final Fantasy character. Change my mind.
Comes out tomorrow (the 13th)
This video didn't make it seem bad.
It's interesting I see a lot of varied opinions on new Zack VA. Some swear only by the old one and hate new one, others have no real issue. Then again, I've never really had as strong of feelings about most VA in games other than realizing just how bad most everyone outside of Auron was in FFX.
Linked for the thumbnail
Looks like Tifa's boobs have been vastly downgraded for Crisis Core. Well, she IS supposed to be a lot younger there, like 16. IDK though, her character model looks pretty terrible from the neck down regardless, even aside from that.
Edit - Looks like they were way bigger in the original Crisis Core, 16 or not:
View attachment 446788
Smaller bust, no ab/hip definition, mannish shoulders..... ehhh. Hopefully this is just a bad angle. They also might see her as more of a kid in the Nibelheim flashbacks. I'm pretty sure she'll be back to normal in FF7R-2.