Observations I made:
1) Zenos' tower has the Tower of Zot music from FF4
2) There was one scene where they showed a dungeon that had 4 seasons/biomes...the floating crystal things looked like the ones from the Ascian city ruins dungeon (Amythis Ryder or whatever...the one where Bismark gives you a ride to the dungeon). So I suspect that might be on the moon, since the moon palace seemed to be Ascian. It might be that Labryinthos dungeon. They said it was underground, but they didnt say it was on "Earth"
3) That floating city thing 100% looked like Zeal. I know they aren't doing Chrono Trigger, but man that was a fucking tease.
4) That elf dude in Old Sharlyan is 100% Alphi and Alisae's dad
5) The key art has a woman at the top we haven't seen before. She seems to maybe be holding a mask. Ascian? Some people think it might be Venat, who was one of the Ascians who helped create Hydalean