Vyemm Raider
- 4,457
- 3,279
Ul'dah. The problem honestly is that the game has you running all over the place non stop. It's basically a fetch quest simulator. The thing games like EQ/Age of Conan did best was it had you spend a lot of time in certain areas so that you got to know them. FF14 tries to expose you to the entire world way too quickly. You're just running back and forth, taking an airship to other continents, porting back, rinse repeat.Out of curiosity, which starting city did you have? I've honestly only done Gridania with my character, so not sure how memorable the other 2 would seem. I loved started in Grid, though.
On the other hand the combat is pretty fun and I've heard it gets pretty intense and more in-depth at 50+ so I'll just grind it out til then.
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