I don't think they'll ban over that, that'd go against what they usually do. Although Cactbot and such are beyond the scope of what the devs explicitely said they don't care about, as long as they're not actively harassing other people with them or obviously cheating, I don't think they'll do anything and they really shouldn't.
I checked the stream for like 5mins of that maximum guy though and it was pretty weird, like he was trying to figure out how much he'd have to call out as a "raid leader" and was lamenting that in wow he has an addon that lets him makes memos on screen so he can do better callouts but in XIV he can't do that and ppl were telling him ppl don't really do mechanics the same way, like you don't get a boss skill and you call x y and z you go stack for that and pop a cooldown, you just say the mechanic is coming and people are expected to know who goes to stack and if they need to pop a cooldown or not, and he was like "oh wow that's gonna be so easy wow is so much harder to raid lead". Like if you've done any savage, people will paste those diagrams shit and you call your spot and you basically know where you have to go and do for every mechanics just with that and the voice calls really only matter if shit's going wrong and you have to adapt.
But do people really need to be told to use their defensive cooldowns when soaking some big dmg skill in the first place in wow? World first raiders at that? Seems kinda weird to me but haven't really checked wow raiding, surely tanks know how to press their buttons to survive big hits without someone telling them though right? I get losing track of the big hits that's why the raid lead calls the mechanics out, but after that I feel people should know how to resolve them?
In XIV on cutting edge content, tanks and healers will plan their cooldown usage with their co-tank/healer for a given fight(so you don't overheal with oGCDs or overmitigate and such) but people kinda know what they need to do on their own.
I'm kinda looking forward to seeing how it goes tbh, because on one hand I don't think it'll go too bad, raids really aren't that hard especially if you have someone with cactbot calling all the mechanics ahead of time, but on the flipside it'd be pretty funny if it did go poorly even with cactbot.