I don't think the party make up is an issue at all, a lot of statics just use whatever and this one is perfectly fine, 2 ranged DPS would be a bit harder since they do noticeably less dmg but 2 casters is basically just as good as 2 melees until pretty high skill level since melees uptime is a lot harder to keep up on prog. All they have to do is use the MCH to do "melee" mechanics since ranged DPS basically don't give a fuck where they stand and it behaves the same way as the standard setup. They also don't have a BLM which makes things easier.
The biggest issue is a lot of them are very far from knowing how to optimize their classes. Might get better once they look into it mind you but I was watching DatModz play and his AST was absolute trash. Playing cards on random people he had selected at the time(not following the melee/ranged cards and carding healers/tanks), using divination with not 3 different signs because he doesn't reroll his cards, using GCD heals a lot when an oGCD would have done the job and letting many oGCDs rot(like the star which is basically one of the more important healing tools ASTs have), not keeping his one dot up and such. Now I don't blame him, he literally hit the cap an hour before they started raiding or whatever, but you can tell he's absolutely not comfortable with his class yet. On the others I didn't look too much, but I did see the DRK(maximum the cocky guy), casting random TBNs on the other tanks, as in when the boss was just slapping autos or was doing mechanics(so the TBN didn't even soak up dmg).
So that's gonna be their biggest problem.
The parses being grey don't mean much though, no one does that fight min ilvl so they were always going to be grey. Even if they were doing optimal max DPS they'd barely tickle green.