Continuing on, sorry, just a little bit more. Going back to ACT, it has a function where you can add plugins and with this, you can add ‘’expansions’’. And these expansions, are not part of ACT itself, but are creations form further third parties. And such expansions, destroy game balance and it goes in the game memory, and it does bad things, and from our perspective, there are much more malicious ones as well. And in regards to this, we are very serious and the moment we find evidence, the risks of penalties is extremely high and we want you to understand this. Please keep this in mind. Even on our side, we have preventions, actually we started since around 4.0 and we actually added security to the data packets of certain actions so that players can’t decipher it. This was to observe how the plugin creators reacted and responded. And we are changing the methods continuously…. And… we want you to stop. Basically, we set the rewards based on the game balance…. And so we want this to stop.
So… like, actually there’s two things. First, I’ll use an easy to understand example; during the world first race in Tea, there was this thing where the markers all suddenly changed position all at once during battle and I think that there are people who witnessed this... (Morbol: Yes, it kind of became a hot topic). Yeah, that was also how I first knew about this. Like theres even a tool like this huh? Right now, during battle, you can change the positions of the markers freely right? But, when moving the markers, for example, Morbol is trying to move a marker, on Morbols PC it sends a request to the server to change the marker positon and the server accepts it… But like this is done in extremely quick speeds. So for the server, it receives packets as orders and for FFXIV, the user PC acts as a midway point for the packet to be delivered to the server… so as a packet, it’s being properly processed, and we can’t catch you, but what you are doing is horrible, so we want you to stop. And we are working in dealing with this. But even if we remove each of these functions, it just becomes a game of cat and mouse and they just keep making more tools. And so we download the next tool and check how it works… thinking what the hell are you doing… and if we keep spending programmer resource on this, then it complicates the additions of content. And so we are going to address this by going to the fundamental roots and this is just one example. And how are proceeding, we will actually show you an example. But before that, just, one, one more thing. This is also from TEA. Recently a tool was made to ‘’show’’ the attack range/cone of an attack that is not supposed to show any. And this depending on some people, was a very serious issue. Like ‘’you can see every action now!’’. But actually, that’s not quite like that. It’s specifically made, JUST for that one attack, so when the attack comes, they made a visual data that would show the range of the attack. Like, REALLY? You made this JUST for this one attack? … I was REALLY shocked. So like they traced the exact range of cone and made a tool JUST for this one move. Like what the HELL are you doing? So talking about the seriousness of this… it’s not a tool that will make the game an open book, but it’s made with an immense amount of dedication and patience. So when the next savage comes and if you think that this will allow you to see everything, it’s not like that at all. But it’s possible to make one for each and every move, but for that, in the worst case, its data modification in a sense, even though it’s just for that one move, so like it’s completely BLACK. So if we find usage of that, we will immediately throw out penalties. So even just simply calling it a tool, there are tools which give user convenience and like taking a peek inside and moving some things…. Like tools which allows you to macro buttons for faster actions and like we just talked about, tools which goes beyond breaking the game balance, it gives too much convenience and tools which breaks the games difficulty, there is just no way we can accept this. In regards to these, it’s not allowed and if we find you using it and distributing it, penalties will be done. We want to strongly warn you about this.