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we wiped 4x on Lyon in Castrum due to the TOP party not having enough DPS. I told them they sucked a gigantic cock. I assume that’s not allowed under the TOS?
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It's not even that the mechanics up there are hard or that the DPS check is hard. People just suck.we wiped 4x on Lyon in Castrum due to the TOP party not having enough DPS. I told them they sucked a gigantic cock. I assume that’s not allowed under the TOS?
FFXIV turned Savix from a glad-pvper into an RPer in FFXIV. Rofl
Every time I watch something like this it just reminds me how much of an idiotBoozeCube is for not trying this game when he would love it.
I installed it and played for like an hour, after reading bullshit and running around in circles I logged off forever.
How was the beginning of WoW any different?!
Less reading story text, if I had to guess.How was the beginning of WoW any different?!
Wow intro you start killing shit right out the gate. FF14 you start out in some city talking about your feelings and some job board for faggots with no direction. Then you bump into random faggot guards for Gil and then... blah blah time to log off. Maybe if the intro was an intro and not aimless dogshit I would of made it further.
To be honest, ARR MSQ is a bit of a mess, because they were hurrying to fix from an even bigger mess. But it is tolerable.Yes it's a slower start. Still an amazing game and I know you would like it.
Is there a way to redo the fights where you are Thancred or things like that without redoing all shadowbringer btw?
I never tried this newgame+, does it lock you from some trials/dungeons until you finish it, can you leave it at any time?
Well one involves following the story which is a strong point of XIV, as well as learning your class as you progress(which isn't true imo but that's the logic at least), while the other involves grinding outdated content repeatedly for currency until you have enough to enter the content people are doing. I don't think they're quite the same, although personally I don't have much of an issue with people who skip, if that's what they want to do then they can do it, doesn't really affect my enjoyment of the story or not. Hell I often recommend it if people really hate the story since as you said you can always go back and do it if you're curious(either by making a new char or just doing NG+).Buying the ARR story skip and a level boost to Heavensward is probably the way to go. If you REALLY get hooked on the story, you could always go back and NG+ it, but you won't. Watch a video summary of the lore and treat 2.0 as a prequel and you'll have a much more streamlined experience. It's funny that people applaud the idea of being able to drop into end game content with pentamelded, tradable gear, but then look down on people who skip out on 200 hours of picking berries for Britney Spears.
FF14 is all about unlocking stuff before you can play it, you only have to unlock the fun stuff once.Wow intro you start killing shit right out the gate. FF14 you start out in some city talking about your feelings and some job board for faggots with no direction. Then you bump into random faggot guards for Gil and then... blah blah time to log off. Maybe if the intro was an intro and not aimless dogshit I would of made it further.