I got the MSQ dont last night, think I finished around 12:45, was close

Unlocked those beast dailies you guys talked about for the snake/turtles when there was trouble with the duty finder(I was queued for a solo dungeon MSQ with the trust and it took an hour and 20 minutes till it popped).
Will see how reaper goes. I had no time to do that tails book, but lots of challenge logs to do and will just queue for duties while finding where people are doing fates to 71. Not sure 100% to do about gear. I didn't max currencies(no time) but have a decent mount, but I also have all the coffers from doing MSQ. I was thinking just use those on reaper as it levels and then use what currency I have @ 80. Not sure I could afford a full set of that 510 crafted stuff for reaper, I had to buy a piece last night to meet ilvl req for last dungeon and it was 150k(they were 60-70k just the day before), I expect demand for "maiming" will be high too.