Man getting those last accessories is such a pain. Just did 5 runs on my tank and not a single accessory I needed dropped(I still need 2 on tank, 1 on healer, 1 on caster, 1 on melee). Gonna have to use totems once I have enough I guess, just annoying cause I'm almost done farming EX stuff, just need a couple more accs. Or 10kills I guess but I hope I get some before that.
You just kinda need to get used to how it works, it's hard to explain. That said even though I get it right most times, I still eat a vuln every now and then. It's fine really, quite often the entire raid gets a vuln but it's still easily healable, just the 2nd fail results in death if you don't let the vuln drops. Also you can absolutely just follow ppl around in EX. Might die every now and then but it's really not that bad to do.