This xpac is the first time I've done raid content when it was current since ARR too. Having a lot of fun.. farmed all the stuff i need from both ex trials.. Cleared P1S yesterday, will start trying on P2S tonight probably. Doing everything using PF, I don't have many regular groupmates.
The range of quality in PF pugs is pretty amazing. I had one P1S group yesterday that was 5/8 players from an FC and they were failing the very first shackles 50% of the time and the times they accidently got past that they'd mess up intemperence. I logged onto their discord to try to walk them through it using voice but a couple of their players seriously could not understand basic mechanics and ruined intemperence every time. There was one player (female healer of course) who after I tried to explain intemperence to her would just say "I dont get it". I gave up and left her FC friends try to explain it to her. Amazing since for healers that mechanic is one of the easiest in the whole fight. We'd only pass shackles when the retards in the group accidently stood in the right place. I (as GNB MT) was paired with a mechanist for shackles and even when neither of us are marked, he would stand in random places and I had to try to position myself to compensate for his incompetence. Ended up with interesting boss placements as a result, not that that particularly matters. I don't mind being in wiping groups for this content since it's fun to just play the mechs, but it does get a bit old when the group isn't improving after 6+ wipes. I straight out told them that if they can't get shackles right then fourfold was 100% going to kill everyone, but we never even made it to that so they could see how right I was.
Then another PF group I joined hit enrage on the very first pull due to a mistake that got everyone damage downed. Still almost killed it. Unfortunately it broke up immediately as someone had to leave.
Then the next PF I joined killed it on the 2nd pull.