recently they cut a lot of the filler in the MSQ Between ARR -> HW , I've heard they did a pretty good job with it also, but I don't think I could ever play thru a 3rd time =pFeels like the cleaned up and removed some quests from the ARR MSQ when Endwalker hit. This feels to be going much faster then last time I did it and I haven't been skipping scenes other then dungeon's so I dont keep my party waiting. If so they did a good job other then that leaving in stupid banquet questline before Titan.
Oh I forgot about her, she's a good waifu.Best you will get is Hilda being a halfie but you don't "meet the parents"
recently they cut a lot of the filler in the MSQ Between ARR -> HW , I've heard they did a pretty good job with it also, but I don't think I could ever play thru a 3rd time =p
Best you will get is Hilda being a halfie but you don't "meet the parents"
That reminds me of an old discussion of racial advantages in AD&D.Best you will get is Hilda being a halfie but you don't "meet the parents"
There's no interracial relationships in this game afaik, I think it's taboo in the lore.
Hope you weren't counting on more beachwear / mounts
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Event Schedule / From Thursday, 10 August 2023 at 8:00 (GMT) / 18:00 (AEST)to Saturday, 26 August 2023 at 14:59 (GMT) / Sunday, 27 August at 0:59 (AEST)
Moenbryda and Urianger. (Implied) Y’shtola and Runar. Magnai will hit on anything with a vagina if he thinks she’s his Nhaama. Same with Gegeruju (rich idiot Lala guy who owns Costa del Sol.)
Possibly Godbert and Julyan, although we don’t know WTF Julyan is yet.
There’s a gay Miqo’te/Highlander? couple that act as the quest-givers for Wanderer’s Palace HM, and they left home because they faced discrimination in their rural village IIRC not for the gay thing but for the interracial thing. So they seem to have it modeled where while it’s taboo, it’s at least tolerated if you’re urban or rich enough.
Well this took a turn in the direction of “hes probably fucking the queen like the one armed bandit he is” after all.