The servers got shut down for maintenance on Sunday from 8:30am to 10:30am pst. If you tried to log in to Courl for 6 hours this means nothing but if you tried during that time, that might be why. I also have no clue what your time zone is so the servers could have just been borked.A low pop server doesn't even save you. I started trying to log in to Courl at 9am Sunday and it took me six hours to get in, and that's one of the lowest pop servers on the list. Most of the time the server list wouldn't even load, or I'd get 1017 before I even picked a character at all. I even got 1017'd out of a 4 person queue, ffs. During this time I also tried to get onto Lamia and Marlboro, also low pop servers. Same deal.
Asian MMOs generally don't have auto AFK.Because they forgot to put in an afk auto time out
Isn't it hilarious?
There are people afking for upwards of half a day right now
This doesn't seem to be true. The game itself has been lag free for me all Saturday (when they had no pop caps) and later Sunday.Servers are melting trying to run noob zones with thousands of players in them and that's a problem that has been solved for a very long time.
I thought it was strange how they so blatently ripped off the Empire with those guys. Like, they even had a Darth Vader voice in one of the cutscenes.PS: Fuck these Eorza queers how do I join the Empire? That Wakandan had a GUN on his SWORD.
I love how that cutscene was like, taking off on a rickety old airship and then it cuts away to a scifi dropship with 4 darth vaders in it. Gonna defect to the empire and get gun-everythings as soon as possible.I thought it was strange how they so blatently ripped off the Empire with those guys. Like, they even had a Darth Vader voice in one of the cutscenes.
I haven't seen any of this "servers melting in n00b zones" stuff at all. With the exception of the duty server which has created the queues, performance has been superb. 100 people stacked on each other for the same fate? No big deal. 500+ chilling in the city? Again, no big deal. Instance performance once inside the instance has also been great.The complaints are fucking valid. Why does this game even have such outdated design? The zones don't even phase/instance if they are overcrowded, and that shit has been around since EQ2. Servers are melting trying to run noob zones with thousands of players in them and that's a problem that has been solved for a very long time.
I think you're right here. That would explain the brief hiccups yesterday with duty finder. It'd be working well for a while and then crap out, but only for like 5 minutes. I figure they were closely monitoring it, and when they raised the server limits enough it'd cause duty finder to break again and they'd lower it a bit. Then duty finder would start working. Repeat all day and that's pretty much how Sunday went.It also felt like they were manually adjusting world server limits based on duty server load, so there is a good chance that the 1000s of afk people (myself included while at work) aren't actually causing any problems. The load on the instance server when they all get home and start playing might be a different story tho![]()
I think the issue might not be that there's not enough servers, but more their choice of hosting/datacenter for them in Montreal if I am not mistaken. Just on brief research it seems they didn't go with a massive well known one that other mmo's usually go with , such as in VA for east coast/EU mix servers , and maybe went a bit on the cheap route on the actual hosting solution.I was on all day yesterday with no issues at all, I zoned dozens of times without a single hiccup. Not white knighting, since my friends on Vent spent all day getting disconnected and/or were unable to logon at all.
I understand SE being cheap and not wanting to invest a shitload of money on extra servers that will not be needed outside of the first 30 days, but clearly they fucked up. I see this as a business opportunity for a larger company, to provide the extra bandwidth and server capabilities to companies who don't want to throw a bunch of money at a short term problem. Blizzard doesn't need the extra money, but this is right up SOE's alley. SOE should be all over this, renting their servers and bandwidth to MMO's for the first 30 to 90 days of release so that companies don't have to overspend to deal with the initial logon crush.