Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

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Mr. Poopybutthole
Nah, there's a few bot routines on rebornbuddy that do dungeons. I did some research because I wasn't aware of how shitty powerful bots are these days. After watching the actions in person, and then looking at the routines, it is definitely a thing.

I only have an issue with botters when they impact my gameplay. And as of like 2.5 weeks ago, they have been impacting my gameplay. Reeeally kind of angsty about botters now.


Vyemm Raider
Credit for the fate (which I don't remember seeing if they upped those. I think they did, though?) but not credit for the kills. The armory bonus only applies to kills. And unless your group does a pretty decent chunk of damage, your xp from that fate is going to be group dps dependent. Tagging means a lot more than you think, and anyone with aggro is going to have initial tag on every mob around them for the most part.

I get what you are saying, but the Fate game is very different when -everyone- is trying to get credit. Release was a vastly different animal than how Fates work today. And I fully expect that same situation to occur when the xpac drops.
No, the Armory Bonus does affect the big EXP chunk you get when completing a FATE.


Vyemm Raider
You don't get a level per run now, so you will get at most a level after the patch, probably less. The only time you get a level atm is if you have the roulette. A lot of dungeons can be run in under 30mins though, especially if you have semi competent DPS. Challenge log as you said is around 10%, and you only have a few(2 dungeons, 2 guildhests, 2fates and hmm, not sure what else) so that's not even a level and it resets next tuesday so that won't do shit really. 8hours is grossly exagerating. It's not terribly long, but it's still longer than that I'm fairly sure. Probably closer to 18-20hours.
Hey Pyros, can you please edit my Twitter handle (@kriptini) into that post you shared on NeoGaf? I was gonna withhold that info from the public (read: not Rerolled) until I got some RT's, but I didn't see that you already shared it because I don't go on NeoGaf.


Toe Sucker
<Silver Donator>
how much health does a 110 tank have atm?

watching their stream the DK is rocking 16k health at lvl 60 (170 gear i think), seems like a big inflation?


Toe Sucker
<Silver Donator>
My Warrior has like 11.5k and my Pally has like 9k iirc.
ahh, thats not too bad at all then. People in chat were crying about it lol

I'm still only 42, not in a huge rush though and avoiding doing any more story mode until i get double the exp gain come friday. I might use a fantasia potion to change to a new race, the human models in this game are so boring.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
as far as i know from the little peaking ive done on the RB forums, there isnt a dungeon crawler bot yet so its 100% incompetent people, and if they are using a combat routine they are 99% efficient, other than moving out of telegraphs(and i think there is an addon for this)
There is certainly a dungeon crawler bot. We've had a few. Key things to tell:

1. Every bot I've ever seen is a tank.
2. They don't hold agro for shit.
3. If you boot them they generally come right back (join in progress and a tank gets party ASAP).
4. They do not say a word, even when you use the translator or try to talk to them in any manner. This includes saying "Hold on a sec" and they ignore you and continue to forge ahead.
5. On "complicated mechanics" (using that term VERY loosely lol) such as Qarn NM killing the things on top of the panels, or running over the lit panel during terror fight, they will fail epicly at every stage of the fight


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well, I just got the Ramuh pony. Last one I needed for Kirin. So Glad I got that done before expansion hits!

Edit: 1 job level 50, but by God I can sure spend countless hours farming ponies.


Molten Core Raider
Nah, there's a few bot routines on rebornbuddy that do dungeons. I did some research because I wasn't aware of how shitty powerful bots are these days. After watching the actions in person, and then looking at the routines, it is definitely a thing.

I only have an issue with botters when they impact my gameplay. And as of like 2.5 weeks ago, they have been impacting my gameplay. Reeeally kind of angsty about botters now.
i had no idea i shared exp with my chocobo fuck that thing, and on the RB thing idk then i checked all the usual spots one would be on their site.

@ arcaus i havent done any leves yet ill have to check those out, do you just do those and que for dungeons, no fate grinding?

Also what is this ponie farming? and rezz botters i would say are more frequent for a few reasons, you had the WoW ban wave so you got the inevitable crowd that was banned and came to FF14, then you probably have those who have botted before but have taken a break but now with the expac coming they probably dusted them off to level up all their alt classes, they are easy as hell to spot when im fate grinding.

hmmm just asked my FC you shouldent be sharing exp with the chocobo?


Blackwing Lair Raider


Getting the three on the left side and the three on the right side unlocks a quest to get the one in the middle. I got the purple one in bottom right and the middle one today. Took a long time, as my only job is BLM and I got 4/6 in DF.

Edit: Didn't explain fully. The mounts come from extreme mode primal encounters.


Molten Core Raider


Getting the three on the left side and the three on the right side unlocks a quest to get the one in the middle. I got the purple one in bottom right and the middle one today. Took a long time, as my only job is BLM and I got 4/6 in DF.

Edit: Didn't explain fully. The mounts come from extreme mode primal encounters.
yeah those look cool, im assuming lvl 50 dungeons? closest i got is like a lvl 40 paladin otherwise its summoner and like you said, gonna take a long time through DF.

Oh... so thats something i would have had to unlock gay


<Silver Donator>
You generally farm ponies through PF, not DF. There's farm groups, you join one and farm it a bunch of times hoping you get the drop and win the roll. Class doesn't matter that much for these groups in general as people can change, but you do need to get in early as a DPS most of the time. They'll be farmable at 60 quite more easily anyway.

There's a bunch of soloable mounts from the daillies you get from beastmen tribes. 1 mount per tribe, 5 tribes. Sylph is a Goobue(those big moss/stone giant things, you sit on their head), Amaalja is a lizard that can breath fire(cosmetics only), Kobolds is a chair that's floating in the air being lifted by bombs(the monsters), Ixali is a wolf-thing and Sahagin is a water lizard amphibian thingie. Takes a month of daily to hit cap.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
few things to do if you haven't (this is rather obvious though) and shamelessly pieces stolen from other places but assuming they DONT reset the challenge log after the expac... You still have about 4 hours to do this

1. Do 6 Leves, of 4 different plates (Don't do 5 plates or you'll trigger a challenge) on a non-50 char. Turn them in.
2. Do all the L45 Leves in Mor Dhona St Coinach's Find. You can do 6 GC Leves, then 4 regular leves. Do them but don't turn them in, and then talk to the NPCs again. You can get 1 each of GC leve (3), and 1 additional Leve. Do these. You'll have a total of 14 leves waiting to be turned in. When the expac hits, turn all these in to get the 5 Leve quest challenge (84,300 exp at 50) the 20 leve challenge (84,300 exp at 50), and exp for 14 leve quests (probably around 14,000 or so each). This will probably put you well over half-way through 50 alone.
3. Do 6 beastmen quests, but don't turn them in until expac hits.
4. Stock up on food, esp for exp bonus.
5. Make sure you have a lot of ghysal greens.
6. Make sure you have some ventures and send them out immediately when you log on.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I was going to sandbag the shit out of that stuff prior to the patch, but after some thought it won't really matter that much. I don't have a static or anything, so I'll be DFing like a champ anyway in the xpac, and once I hit 60 I'm just flipping over to my Dark Knight anyway, so the boost won't mean much anyway.

Part of me wants to grind up miner to max level before I level the DK so I can get in on the early exorbitant material prices. The only downside is that I didn't cap out any of my crafter/gatherer gear, just made the AF armor for the gatherers and got the vendor artisan gear for the crafters. The jewelry stuff I did get the best you can get, but the left side gear is not maxed on any of my classes. So I'm mildly concerned about the possibility that the difficulty of nodes in the xpac might sort of force me to go back and get the max melded top end stuff before realistically moving forward. Ah well, we'll see.


<Silver Donator>
Even if you had a static, since they're staggering raid content, there's pretty much no point. I think the only people that do need the preparations would be crafter/gatherers, as hitting 60 first would give you a decent edge, but even crafting shit is being kept for the raid opening, so really it's mostly gathering(and maybe even that has limited content atm? Not sure). I mean if you have some free time and nothing to do why not I guess, I just haven't been able to log in for more than an hour since I resubbed cause I'm done with pretty much everything relevant and I just want the expansion at this point.


Toe Sucker
<Silver Donator>
hit 45, got my last ninjutsu gesture.. time to learn all the combinations now lol

stupid how they give you a bunch of ninja gear but not a chest piece until 50, so i look like an idiot still


Blackwing Lair Raider
I farmed my ponies in the middle of the night, for the most part. Did PF when I could, but as you said, dps spots fill as soon as there's more than 1 tank or healer in the party. The time of night if there wasn't a PF (usually not, and if there was a lot of times it was for a pony I already had), I'd just queue for all the ones I still needed except Ramuh cause fuck that in DF. Watched league of legends LCS while in queue. Course I coulda been leveling other jobs, but that time of night I'm wasted and just want to be entertained.

Can't wait for this expansion! Got into the game in 2.3 and have been loving it since then. Dropped back in on WoW when Warlords of Draenor hit, but 2 months of that was enough to convince me XIV was the game for me. Couple friends are on a new EQ progression server, and while I was tempted, Heavensward being on the horizon was enough to keep me from that EQ server. Haven't looked forward to any MMO launch/expansion this much since the transition from EQ to WoW. Love this game!


I have Fridays off. Over the past couple of weeks on Fridays I have spent a lot of time doing high level content on a DPS. I've found that 10am-3pm on a weekday is the best time to queue for shit as a DPS. Like I don't get it, there must be more regulars who play tanks and healers or something. Anyways, if you are looking for DPS high end queues, try during the day during the week

@Tek - Yeah, on DPS classes while leveling I queue for my highest dungeon and do leve's and hunting log, some times fates. Fates are only really worth it if they go down fast. I am on a low pop server so fate grinding kind of sucks. For Leve's starting at like 43-44 you can do the ones in Mor Dhona. You can grab like 10 or so at the same time and they are all in the same area. You grab all ten, do them all in a chain and take the free port back. It's like 35-40% of a level every time you do it. Shit's amazing. Make sure on the grand company leve guy to get one's from all 3 companies.