So I'm 58 miner and 58 botany and so far about 52-53 on most crafts. Some good notes re: gathering so far:
- Nodes are much more spread out and mostly random. There are still 1-2 places where they seem to be less random, but they are certainly spread out among 6-8 nodes, and you have to rotate through them all. They are in pairs, 2 close to each other, then fly to next one.
- Gathering is a pain in the ass without flight because of the great distances from the nodes.
- Epherimeral Nodes are used once, and go away, but will respawn again in your usual cycle until they have been completely "depleted" by all players.
- Unspoiled Nodes seem to last 55 in game minutes (this is about 2 minutes 50 seconds). MOST nodes I've seen spawn at 10am, 10pm, 12am, and 12pm. There are some variances, but those are most common, it seems. It will be fairly hard to farm them on a long cycle zone to zone.
- Collectables are GREAT for experience and scrip farming. I'm still trying to find a good way to do this at the higher end but my gear at present is rather lacking and that's probably the main reason why. However, the mining yellow copper ore in coerthas is amazing for starters, as you can get 6 ore per spawn, which can be turned in for 70,000exp EACH. That's 420,000 exp every 70 minutes.
- If you have an HQ level 51 crafting weapon, it's the best you'll ever get unless you buy/make another HQ one. The ones you get in the quests are NQ and never exceed the HQ level 51 one, including the NQ level 57 one.
- There is no weapon at 60 (afaik, I'm not 60 yet but I see the quest reward is a pick of 3 of any of the IV materia). There may be another quest after though.
- Gathering crystals is much easier now, as it often procs multi-gathers. In other words, you might get 1, 1, 7, 4, 9, 1 in a single cycle. Crystals should be cheap on the MB moving forward.
- Lot more actions on gathering nodes now - even seen one that raised HQ rate 50%.
- A lot of the craftable needed items (i.e. Dravanian Mistletoe, Coerthas Tea Leaves, etc) are both collectable and used, and both are only unspoiled nodes making them very expensive on the MB. Recommended to use +2 yield for these if farming.
- ALWAYS!!!!! do your GC Crafting and Gathering turn ins HQ. ALWAYS. EVERY DAY. This is a MASSIVE exp boost, even at the high end. Proof:
- Save your leves for fieldcraft and regular crafting. However, the level 56 fieldcraft leves, especially botany, suck even with flight.
- MegaLeves (10 leve) are not worth it.