Crafting is fun, but I really think they botched it bad in the expac. Not just the red scrips, but in general really. In fact, I love the scrip idea, even if it's implemented poorly the general idea is sound.
1. Leves still can just buy things from MB and turn them in for credit, meh it happened in the original game but figured they would fix that in the expac. Why they can't ensure you actually craft the item as a step for the leve is beyond me. This ends up causing constant bombardment of "Can you make me X items HQ for leve turn in pl0x".
2. Several leves required items from later levels. That's just dumb.
3. The level 60 quests mostly (but not all) require master book to complete. I GUESS this is okay, given the ease of obtaining blue scrips, but it's still dumb at the same time.
4. The crafting interface is an absolute REKT. Can we please get rid of "Master" section, and also can we please separate the gathering and crafting items from everything else. Can we have sorting options. Let us toggle things, please. It's dumb when trying to find out what the latest thing to craft for a class is, you need to check the MB to find out if its LTW or WVR first. This entire interface is god awful and can easily be improved and should be.
5. They lowered "Good" chances, and added a gate (heart of...) which requires consumable, specialization and 45(!) CP to use to bring the good chance back to what it was in the first place (though still not a guarantee of getting a good even after spending 45 CP)! Dumb.
6. The implementation of the specializations is also dumb. It's like games where you have a chance of all these fancy combos and stuff but none are better than just doing straight sword attacks every time. To use the specializations it takes extra CP you dnt have for a gain which isnt guaranteed, and requires more micromanaging and the like. It's just not as fun.
7. ALL the recipes for battle items are actually pretty pointless. You already get HQ in your main quest, and because its all handed out en masse, people put a ton of the HQ on the MB at prices considerably less than the cost to make. Furthermore, there is so much loot handed out in dungeons now, that its very easy to collect a piece. Selling things like i130 at 150-200k a piece is reasonable or a crafter, but not reasonable for a buyer.
8. Crafters used to be able to get mats from battle classes and gatherers but now they have put a lot of the items for the really good stuff behind scrip requirements, which basically removes any ability for battle classes to assist, and gatherers too.
9. (This is the worst) we are, again, back to one set of crafting gear per class and one set of gathering gear per gathering class. It was like this at the start and everyone penta-melded TONS of pieces spending over 50,000,000 doing so, only to have it all invalidated by "Artisan" gear which was usable by all your crafters. Now, we're back at them split again, and whats to say we'll have another "Artisan" gear type thing in the future? I'm certainly not going to bother penta-melding anything this go except jewerly most likely.
10. 35 Dur items don't have the effect they thought, I don't think. Its the same difficulty, the only problem is they simply made waste not even more unappealing.