I got some reward in my mailbox about some video recruitment my FC did and we won? Thing is I wasn't in a FC when I logged in so must've disbanded or kicked me.
What exactly was that?
I got some reward in my mailbox about some video recruitment my FC did and we won? Thing is I wasn't in a FC when I logged in so must've disbanded or kicked me.
What exactly was that?
Yeah my friend @Vittra got it too and we were in the same fc years agoThat campaign was back from like 2 years ago, before Heavensward lol.
Just bought the Steam collectors edition of it, but can't register any code to get early accessTried both the register site and the mogstation. Only got two codes from the steam purchase, and the main one can't be added until the 20th so assumed the other one would work. Maybe I didn't pre order early enough, did I have to pre-order before early access to get early access? I have opened a ticked for it.